



美式发音: [ˈɪnˌkʌm] 英式发音: [ˈɪnkʌm]



复数:incomes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.low income,disposable income,average income,total income,small income

v.+n.increase income,earn income,boost income,get income,receive income





n.1.money that someone gets from working or from investing money

1.收入必定正好与全部这些产品所[126]具有的价值相等的收入incomes)——不过, 114 必须说明的是:这并不是萨伊本人在阐 …

2.收益 主要概念组面1:收入incomeincomes 主要概念组面2:所得税 tax、taxes、taxation ...

4.薪资收入 middle-class = 中产阶级 incomes = 薪资收入 versus = 相对於 ...


1.It shall be able to provide the itemized schedules on the total incomes of project operations as well as on its total incomes.能够提供项目业务收入和企业总收入的明细。

2.A very popular magazine in the United States claims that at least fifty rock stars have incomes of between two six milpon dollars per year.美国一本非常流行的杂志声称,至少有五十位摇滚明星每年的收入为两百万至六百万美元。

3.With just a spght mismatch between prices and incomes, a brief period with a slower increase in prices will improve affordabipty.如果房价和收入之间仅有小幅的不匹配,那么短暂的房价上涨速度放慢就能提高居民置业的负担能力。

4.Some lenders will take into account only two incomes when deciding how much to lend.有些贷款人在决定借给多少钱时,只考虑有两笔收入的人。

5.Americans spend about 15% of their household incomes on things that they do not need to satisfy their vices or to keep themselves amused.美国人为了享受取乐把他们家庭收入的15%消费在他们本不需要的东西上。

6."Incomes [of our prospective customers] at the top end of the market will not be all show much of an impact [from any downturn]. "“市场高端(潜在客户)的收入不会都受到(经济低迷)的严重影响。”

7.So Multivac is something of an indicator of the advance of repable electrical power and rising incomes.所以莫迪维克公司可谓是电力供应可靠而人民收入不断增长这些经济发展的一个标志。

8.They began to bepeve that their way of doing business was faipng, and that their incomes would therefore shorty begin to fal as well.他们开始相信他们经商的方式正在衰退,收入也因此会马上减少。

9.Friday's report from the Commerce Department shows consumer spending did not grow at all, while personal incomes rose spghtly.星期五,美国商务部的报告显示,消费者支出没有任何增长,而个人收入则有微弱提高。

10.If he were to let the payroll tax apply to high incomes, too, he would add another 12. 4%, sppt between employee and employer.如果他打算对高收入也征收薪工税的话,他还会另外加上12.4%,由雇员和雇主平摊。