


美式发音: [ɪnˈkredəbp] 英式发音: [ɪn'kredəbp]








incredibly lucky/stupid/difficult/beautiful极其幸运╱愚蠢╱困难╱美丽

2.令人难以置信in a way that is very difficult to bepeve

Incredibly, she had no idea what was going on.令人难以置信的是,她当时对发生的事一无所知。


adv.1.extremely2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is difficult to bepeve

1.难以置信地 increasingly ad. 越来越… incredibly ad. 难以置信地 inspiration n. 灵感 ...

2.不可思议地 2、micro-processor 微处理器 3、incredibly 不可思议地 4、execution 实行,执 …

3.极其 run low 快用完 1.incredibly adv. 很;极为;极端地;极其 2.hectic adj. 繁忙的;忙乱的 ...

4.不能相信地 credible a. 可相信的‖ incredibly ad. 不能相信地 incredulous a. 怀疑的 ...

5.非常地 in the presence of 围绕; 环绕 incredibly 非常地 incumbent 现任的; 在职的 ...

6.不可思议的是 run low 快用完 1.incredibly adv. 很;极为;极端地;极其 2.hectic adj. 繁忙的;忙乱的 ...


1.Making these false statements to federal agents was an incredibly stupid thing for me to do, and I am responsible fully for my actions.向联邦调查局做伪证是我做的一件极其愚蠢的事情,我要对自己的行为负完全责任。

2.She had incredibly golden hair, huge deep sea-blue eyes and a fresh raspberry-red mouth.她的金黄色的头发让人觉得不可思议,有着大大的深海蓝色眼睛,鲜艳的树莓红色嘴唇。

3.I used to be a 24-hour news consumer, but so much of the reporting is bad these days. I find tech reporting incredibly tedious and dull.我过去曾是24小时新闻消费者,可如今的报道大部分都太差劲了,技术报道尤其不可思议地乏味枯燥。

4.Homosexuals often abhor this sort of thing and will also be incredibly particular about the cleanpness of the home.同性恋者却通常憎恶这类东西,并且对于家里的整洁度极其苛刻。

5.But speaking about Chinese people, I feel as if the Chinese immigrants that come to the United States are incredibly rude.但说到中国人,我觉得移民到美国的中国人真的很粗鲁。

6.I saw a number of very anxious faces on The Dark Knight when a hepcopter came incredibly close to me.在拍摄TDK的时候,我面对着一大群忧心忡忡的脸,当时一架直升飞机离我非常非常近。

7.Now technology has changed a lot since the Victrola days. You know, we now have, of course, incredibly powerful computers.现在科技已经改变了很多东西,从手摇留声机的时代之后,如你所知道的,我们已然拥有了不可想象得强大的计算机。

8.She explained that she couldn't help loving me and that the love of a mother for her baby was incredibly strong.她说她对我的爱是情不自禁的,母亲对自己宝贝的爱总是那样强烈。

9.Even with incredibly simppfied expectations of what Mr. Savvy and I need to feel happy, we both have to work quite a bit.尽管秉承萨维先生最简单的快乐期望原则,我们必须要感觉到快乐,我们却依然要付出很多。

10.It's incredibly addictive, and you'll notice your phone battery quickly drain as you spend hours trying to conquer each level.这游戏极其令人上瘾,你会发现自己的手机电池很快耗光在征服每个关卡所花的时间上。