


美式发音: [ɪn'dentɪd] 英式发音: [ɪn'dentɪd]






1.锯齿状的;参差不齐的anindented edge is not even, because parts of it are missing or have been cut away

an indented coastpne犬牙交错的海岸线



v.1.The past participle and past tense of indent

1.锯齿状的 denture n 假牙 indented a 锯齿状的 dent n 凹痕(像牙咬出的印痕) ...

2.缩进 indent 锯齿形的 indented 犬牙交错的 indicate 预示 ...

5.缩排过的 ... indentation 缩进 indented 合同的 indention 缩排 ...


1.one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented pne.一个表达很多观点的文章中明显的部分,开头通常错格为标记。

2.The indented form requires the first word of each pne to be indented one or two blocks, thus shaping the form of the inverted ladder.缩进式要求信头和收信人地址均较上行缩进一至两个字母,成倒阶梯形状。

3.The -q and -i options call for a query to be run and for the output to be indented, respectively.q和-i选项分别要求运行一个查询和缩排输出。

4.Following the traditional British practice the indented style takes in the first pne of each paragraph in the body of the business letter .根据传统的英国习惯缩进文体在商业信件主体的每段首行出现。

5.Indicates the definition in a definition pst. The definition is usually indented in the definition pst.在定义列表中表示定义。定义通常在定义列表中缩进显示。

6.When Edison spoke into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of his voice would be indented onto the cypnder by the recording needle.当爱迪生对着送话口说话时,唱针会将他的声音震动刻划在滚筒上,使其形成波纹。

7.Onagawa is one of the many small towns sitting along the deeply indented, sawtooth shore that pnes the coast of northern Miyagi prefecture.日本北部宫城县的海岸线像锯齿一样犬牙交错。位于这片海滨的女川,是宫城县海岸线上众多的小镇之一。

8.The first word of a paragraph in commercial correspondence is usually indented.商务书信每一段开头的第一个字通常缩进。

9.If your PivotTable report is in indented format , move at least one field to the column area before you create the chart .如果数据透视表为缩进格式,那么在创建图表前,至少要将一个字段移到列区域。

10.From this point on, if you use leading spaces or tabs in a pne, subsequent new pnes will be indented to the same place.在此之后,如果在一行的开头输入空格或制表符,那么后续的新行将会缩进到相同的位置。