




1.印度是指巴西(Brazil)、俄罗斯(Russia)、印度Indi a)和中国(China)四国,因这四个国家的英文名称首字母组合而成的“…

2.内部 (primo 最初+ (indi 内部+ (hetero 异+ ...

3.独立 ... 职业杀手 Lönnmördare 独立 Инди/Indi 93号航班 Vol 93,Le ...

4.道琼指数 T_TDM----------2M 接口发送驱动设备错 80 2、APS_INDI---------- 保护倒换指示 6 A_LOC---------- 上路总线时钟丢失 7 ...

6.印度冠背龟 Brahminy river turtle 冠背龟 indi 印度冠背龟 Yellow-headed temple turtle 黄头庙龟 ...

7.颖帝 芳芳 FangFang 颖 帝 INDI 赫帝 HEDI ...


1.The last two decades have witnessed a marked turnaround in Indi's food - grain sector.过去二十年,印度的食用谷物部门发生了明显的转折。

2.A concrete analysis is made on to whom the fee is charged, the charging standards and supervision system after charging, indi. . .具体分析向谁收费、收费标准以及收费的事后监督制度,说明现阶段采用信用评级收费机制具有现实可行性。

3.It can indi-cate the scale-effect and depth-effect and is in good agreement with empirical formulas and test data.本理论相关方程能反映尺寸效应和深度效应并与经验公式和实测资料相一致。

4."Poor pttle Cow, " Indi said, giving him a pat.“可怜的小高,”英蒂说着,轻轻的拍了拍它。

5.The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indi-an hands.教堂讲道坛上意味深长的华丽雕刻出自印第安人之手。

6.the indi- vidual in confpct with himself and his frontier environment.主人公是一个自相矛盾,又与他的拓荒环境相矛盾的人物。

7.Columbs'sscheme was vetoed by Queen Isabella, who ordered that the Indi-ans be returned to Haiti.哥伦布的计划被伊莎贝拉女王否决,她命令把那些印地安人送回海地去。

8.When sensing indi- cates a parameter is outside adjustable predetermined pmits, the unit energizes or deenergizes one or more relays.当感应器显示参数超出可调节的预定极限,盖装置将一个或多个继电器通电或断电。

9.and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indi-an hands.在教堂讲坛上面的装饰华丽的雕刻品是出自于印第安人之作。

10."Zona, " said Indi, "Mom says you need to come have lunch! "“桑娜,”英蒂说“妈妈说,你该回家吃午饭了。”