


美式发音: [ˈɪndiz] 英式发音: [ˈindiz]




n.the east indies,the west indies



n.1.The plural of indie

1.印度地方 ... indie 独立的 Indies 印度地方 indifference to 对...漠不关心 ...

2.东印度群岛 ... 巴哈马(群岛)的 Bahamian 东(西)印度群岛 Indies 安的列斯群岛 Antilles ...

3.西印度群岛 山中舞蹈(希腊)( GREECE) 闪电神礼仪舞(西印度群岛)( W. INDIES) 扇舞(日本)( JAPAN) ...

4.独立公司 ·Fan zine 歌迷杂志 ·Indies 独立公司 ·Label (唱片)公司 品牌 ...

5.东西印度群岛 ... 亚述尔群岛 Azores 东西印度群岛 Indies 百慕大群岛 Bermuda ...


7.每天的 idem 同样 indies 每天的 intime 澈底的 ...


1.Indians were sent out to become contract laborers on Malaya's rubber plantations, or to work as indentured serv-ants in the West Indies.印度人作为合同劳工被派遣到马来半岛的橡胶种植园,或者到西印度群岛做契约佣工。

2.He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies.在自己真的到达印度之前,他也没有意识到自己到达了一个新大陆。

3.The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor.而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。

4.It was in search of Cathay and the Indies, their riches, that spurred Columbus to sail west, where he found a new continent instead.正是为了寻找那时的中国和印度,为了那里的财宝,才激发哥伦布向西远航,而他却因此发现了一片新大陆。

5.Divers and fish hover over the remains of a ship that broke up on one of the many shallow reefs around the Cayman Islands, West Indies.水下沉船残骸图片。潜水员和鱼类徘徊在一艘遗骸的船舶解体之上,在其中的许多浅层岛礁周围,开曼群岛,西印度群岛。

6.When Cortez arrived to what he bepeved to be the Indies, he discovered an enchanted world of resources and wide commercial practices.当科尔特斯到了什么,他认为是印度,他发现了一个迷人的世界资源和广泛的商业惯例。

7.Later buccaneers from the West Indies began to sail the waters of the Caribbean Sea and stole from any ship that they found.后来,西印度群岛的海盗前往加勒比海域,从所有他们发现的船只中进行劫掠活动。

8.His mother was the daughter of French Huguenots who had settled in the West Indies. Her name was Rachel Lavien.他的母亲是已经迁移到西印度群岛的法国雨格诺教徒的女儿,她的名字叫雷切尔。莱温。

9.I shall begin pke plenty of energetic men who have gone to the Indies young , without a penny , and have come back rich .我学那些苦干的人的榜样,年轻时身无分文上印度,变富了回来。

10.He spends the winter in the West Indies and summer in England, commuting back and forth pke the migrating swallows.他在西印度群岛过冬天,在英国过夏天象定期移栖的燕子一般固定来回。