


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈspjutəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəb(ə)l]





adj.indubitable,unquestionable,undeniable,beyond doubt,incontrovertible



1.不容置疑的;无可争辩的;不容否认的that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied

indisputable evidence不可否认的证据

an indisputable fact不容置疑的事实

It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising.毫无疑问,犯罪率一直在上升。


adj.1.impossible to question or argue with

1.无可争辩 ... 成语 甜言蜜语 honeyed words 成语 无可争辩 indisputable 成语 摇唇鼓舌 instigate by loose talk ...

2.不争 ... 直言不讳[ frank] 无可讳言[ undeniable;indisputable;past dispute;there is no denying the fact] ...

4.无可争辩的 indirectly 间接地 indisputable 无可争辩的 indisputable 无可置疑的 ...

5.不容置疑的 corroborative 1. 强身剂 indisputable 1. 不容置疑的 vapd evidence 详细 ...

6.无可争议 indisputable 无可争辩的 indisputable 无可置疑的 indistinctive mark 标号不清 ...



1.Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge.通常,司法认知的证据是一种简单明了的事实,是一种无可争辩的问题,或者是一些常识。

2.The other evident stresses, pke the indisputable property bubble, are manageable and far short of what brought down the American economy.其他明显压力还包括房地产泡沫,但还处于可控范围,远不足以搞垮经济,这点和美国不一样。

3.His indisputable position in the company and his very handsome income made him a good candidate for husband in her eyes.在公司里的地位无可争议,又有相当可观的收入,这使他在她的眼里成了不错的丈夫人选。

4.John was speechless again. Her logic was indisputable, but of course there was more to love than those two narrow definitions.约翰再次哑口无言。她的逻辑是无可置疑的,但爱不仅仅只是这个狭义的定义。

5.Yiwu vehicles is an indisputable fact, bepeve that only through the expansion to be resolved, Yiwu, Yiwu, after all, too many migrants.义乌车多是个不争的事实,相信只有义乌通过扩地可以解决,毕竟义乌外来人口太多了。

6.In recent years, it was an indisputable fact that the regional economic gap has been rapidly expanding.近年来,区域经济差距急剧扩大己是不争的事实。

7.Found out from his own experience of the latter half of the sentence is indisputable.从自己身上体验出后半句话的无可争辩。

8.The rapid economic recovery are pleased to see, but the zhejiang mass economy fluctuating too large it is an indisputable fact.经济快速复苏令人欣慰,但是浙江块状经济的波动性过大却是不争的事实。

9.The call is for more transparency and yet better corporate governance; the case is indisputable.公共机构有必要提高透明度,改善企业治理;理由是无可辩驳的。

10.As I shall demonstrate later, the financial significance of Asia is indisputable.我稍后会较详细分析,亚洲金融的重要性是无可置疑的。