




1.个体工商户 赋予权力 entitle 个体工商户individual businesses 个人合伙: individual partnership ...

2.个体销售商 ... 摊位 Booth/Stall 个体销售商 Individual Businesses 销售商 Seller ...


1.For a company of its size, ITW is unique in that decision-making is highly devolved down to its individual businesses.就它的规模来说,伊利诺斯工具公司在下放决策权方面可谓独树一帜。

2."We've tried to get comfort that the individual businesses are good or at least pretty good, " says Weitz.威茨说:“让我们稍微感到欣慰的是,惠普的一些个别业务是好的,至少是比较不错的。”

3.The old version business pcenses of individual businesses already used shall be replaced after four years of use.已使用的旧版个体工商户营业执照待使用期满四年后换发。

4.The frequency of these runs depends on factors specific to individual businesses and production environments.这些运行的执行频率取决于各业务和生产环境特定的因素。

5.Clumsy curbs on trade are bad for the economy, but they are not always bad for individual businesses.笨拙的貌似限制对经济来说总是坏事,但是对个体商户来说,却是不一定的。

6.The State shall support labourers to get jobs by organizing themselves on a voluntary basis or by engaging in individual businesses.国家支持劳动者自愿组织起来就业和从事个体经营实现就业。

7.In the short-term there may be significant impacts on individual businesses, employees and communities, the ministry says.在短期内可能会有重大影响,对个别企业,员工和社区,该部说。

8.Truth of Addition: Two companies combined will not equal the sum of their individual businesses.加法定律:两家公司上午合并并不等于其业务的总和。

9.Her job, she says, requires quickly researching industries and figuring out how I. B. M. technology can help individual businesses.她的工作需要迅速的研究各种行业并指出IBM的技术为何能够帮助个体经营企业。

10.Article 28 The legitimate rights and interests of individual businesses and lease holding farm households shall be protected by law.第二十八条个体工商户、农村承包经营户的合法权益,受法律保护。