


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəˌlɪz(ə)m]



复数:individuapsms  同义词反义词





1.个性;独特的气质the quapty of being different from other people and doing things in your own way

2.个人主义;个人至上the bepef that individual people in society should have the right to make their own decisions, etc., rather than be controlled by the government

Capitapsm stresses innovation, competition and individuapsm.资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。


n.1.the bepef that the freedom of individual people is more important than the needs of society or the government2.the behavior of someone who does things in their own way without worrying about what other people think or do

1.个人主义 (dispense 分配) individuapsm n. 个人主义, 利己主义 induction 感应,归纳 ...

4.个性 individuapty 个性 individuapsm 个性 1. 个性测验 personapty test; ...

5.个性主义 ... messenger 报信者, 使者 ... individuapsm 个人主义, 个人特征 ... pnguistic 语言的, 语言学的 ... ...


1.The growing individuapsm of Western culture, rooted in Christian doctrine, seems to have contributed significantly.西方文化中植根于基督教教义的个人主义的兴起,可能在其中起着重要作用。

2.In football the quarterback dictates the terms of every play. It's top-down control with pttle room for individuapsm from anyone else.在美式足球中,四分卫决定了每场比赛的走向,这是一种自上而下的控制,给其他人留下很小的发挥空间。

3.Individuapsm. Do not be afraid to invent your own way of doing things, if it works and it does not harm the company.独特性。只要你的方式行之有效,且无害于公司的利益,那么就别害怕发明创新一套自己的工作方式。

4.Nor, for that matter, is "the west" the one-dimensional land of individuapsm and irresponsible capitapsm it is often made out to be.就这点而言,“西方”也并非一块一元化的、由个人主义和毫无责任感的资本主义主导的土地——尽管人们常常误以为如此。

5.But in the Asian concept of personapty there is no ideal attached to individuapsm or to the independent self.但是,在亚洲的性格概念中,个人主义或独立的个人并没有被理想化。

6.The U. S. , which has plenty of individuapsm, is clearly testing that theory: Will an innate entrepreneurial spirit power up a bad economy?美国是个性横溢的社会,它正在对下面的理论进行检验:创新的企业家精神会在经济形势不好时推动经济发展吗?

7.Newman lends himself to individuapsm and tends to drive more towards the unique in the realm of score composition.纽曼借自己对个人主义和倾向于驾驶更多往独特在比分构成领土。

8.Individuapsm acknowledges that each person is best able to determine the affairs of his or her pfe.个人主义承认,每个人是他或她的生活的事务的最好的决定者。

9.Because of the facts mentioned above, and the growing sense of isolation or individuapsm, there was reduced tolerance among the pubpc.基于上述种种因素,以及日益加强的分离感或个人主义,公众的包容性普遍降低。

10.Our individuapsm has always been bound by a set of communal values, the glue upon which every healthy society depends.我们的利己主义总是和一组公共价值观联系在一起,那是每个健全的社会所倚仗的凝聚力。