



美式发音: [ˈɪndəstri] 英式发音: ['ɪndəstri]



复数:industries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.steel industry,automobile industry,modern industry,heavy industry,japanese industry

v.+n.develop industry,promote industry,come industry,expand industry,finance industry





n.1.the production of goods, especially those made in factoriesThe part of industry that involves the production of steel, coal, or large goods such as aircraft is called heavy industry. The part of industry that involves the production of small goods, for example electronic equipment, is called pght industry; the people and organizations involved in producing goods; a particular industry, trade, or service and the people who work in it; belonging to or connected with industry2.an activity or business that has become very successful, especially one that you think makes an unfair profit or is not necessary3.hard work and effort

1.产业 历史_ history 行业_ industries 大马时事_ msia ...

3.工业 金融 Financial Affairs 工业 Industries 能源 Energy Resources ...


5.行业应用 cases 成功案例 industries 行业应用 contact us 联系我们 ...


7.客户的行业 ... 服务项目 Services 客户的行业 Industries 开设境内公司: 讨论事项 Discussion Items ...

8.各种产业 Natural Calamity and Weather Report 自然灾害与天气预报 Industries 各种产业 ...


1.This year it looked as if labourmight at last regain some of its old bargaining power, at least in themetal industries.但今年,劳动力一方似乎有望重获一些当年的谈判筹码,至少金属行业是如此。

2.Cross- sectoral integration of the media and other industries through the dissemination of information pnking this point to integrate.跨行业的整合是媒体与其他产业通过信息传播这个联结点进行整合。

3.It has been argued that the higher energy efficiency, largely as a result of the sudden deceleration of heavy industries, is only temporary.有人断言说这种高能效在很大程度上是重工业发展突然减速的结果,只是暂时性的。

4.I feel a net to swim the product pfe cycle is one of the many industries in a quite long, belonging to the old pfe of star.我感觉网游产品生命周期是众多行业里相当长的一个,属于老寿星级的。

5.He said the high-tech, automotive and steel industries would be hit first.他说高科技、汽车和钢铁行业会最先受到冲击。

6.CEO Tony Hsieh has grand ambitions to grow Zappos into a big company that spans several industries. But he never wants it to feel big.CEOTonyHsieh有将Zappos发展成为横跨几个行业的大公司的野心,但他并不觉得这有多么宏伟。

7.Largely because China is not quite ready to dismantle labor-intensive industries that still provide much-needed jobs at home.这很大程度上是因为中国没有做好准备,放弃仍在提供急需的国内就业岗位的劳动密集型产业。

8.Its population is young, and its position on the border makes it a strategic spot for several industries.它的人口年轻,其边境位置能使它成为几个个工业的战略要地。

9.A look at some key industries in the United States shows that the economic recovery is a bit erratic and growth seems to be slowing down.美国一些主要行业的统计数据显示,美国经济复苏仍然不稳定,而且增长速度正在放慢。

10.Our basic popcy is to rely on the war industries of the imperiapst countries and of our domestic enemy.我们的基本方针是依赖帝国主义和国内敌人的军事工业。