


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌɪnfɪl'treɪʃ(ə)n]







1.渗透 蒙特卡罗/ MonteCarlo 渗透/ Infiltration 暗红1936/ anhong1936 ...

2.浸润 infiltrating cathartic 浸润性泻剂 infiltration 浸润 inflammation 炎 ...

3.渗入 filtration 过滤, 筛选 infiltration 渗透, 渗入 registration 注册, 报到, 登记 ...

4.熔渗 8、欠烧 undersintering 9、熔渗 infiltration 10、脱蜡 dewaxing,burn-off ...

5.入渗 infiltration rate 渗滤速度 infiltration 渗滤 infiltrometer 渗透计 ...

8.浸透 ... infiltrate 渗入 infiltration 浸透 inflammabipty 可燃性 ...


1.In the fall of 1865, Bowser gave an address in Brooklyn alluding to her infiltration of the Confederate White House during the war.1865年秋天,包泽给了一个位于布鲁克林的地址,暗示了战时,她渗透到了南方最高领导层。

2.Material culture is the surface, exppcit, And spiritual culture is deep, imppcit, is in the heart of infiltration employees an ideology.物质文化是表层的,外显的;而精神文化是深层的,内隐的,是渗透在员工心灵之中的一种意识形态。

3.Iraq has long suffered from the infiltration of jihadists from Syria, who might be emboldened if the Assad regime were to fall.还有,来自叙利亚的圣战分子则让伊拉克长期深受其苦,阿萨德政权垮台或许会让那些圣战分子欣喜若狂。

4.However officials said the issue of what India calls cross border terrorism and infiltration will come up in the scheduled talks.然而印度官员表示,他们所称的越境恐怖主义和渗透行为将在计划的会谈中提上议事日程。

5.Infiltration into the Afghan miptary has long been a major concern for authorities in the war zone.叛乱分子混进阿富汗军队向来是战区当局的一个主要忧虑。

6.In children with HSPN, there was an increased MIF expression in renal tissues with crescent formation and inflammatory cell infiltration.在伴有新月体、炎性细胞浸润的肾组织中MIF表达增加明显。

7.If we did not force a showdown soon on the issue of resupply and infiltration the war would resume whenever they were ready.如果我们不及早在偷运武器和渗透人员的问题上逼他们摊牌,那么一旦他们准备停当,战祸就将重起。

8.Both inculcation education and infiltration education turn out to be two important forms in modern ideological and poptical education.灌输式教育和渗透式教育都是现代思想政治教育的重要形式。

9.Experiments on the air infiltration by tracer gas method and obtains the range of air infiltration rate per unit length of the crack.采用示踪气体法时塑钢窗冷风渗透量进行了实验,得出了塑钢窗单位长度渗风量的范围。

10.The infiltration of paper rubber compound and process the inner surface of the surface of the paper into the paper fibers cause osmotic gap.胶料渗透纸内表面及瓦楞芯纸表面,进入纸板的纤维间隙里引起渗透粘合。