


美式发音: [ɪnˈfrikwənt] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfriːkwənt]





adj.rare,uncommon,occasional,few and far between,sporadic



1.不常发生的;罕见的not happening often

her infrequent visits home她少有的探望家人

Muggings are relatively infrequent in this area.在这个地区行凶抢劫事件相对少见。


adj.1.not happening very often, or not doing something very often

1.稀少的 boil 沸腾 infrequent 稀少的 enemy 敌人 ...

2.很少发生的 informal 非正式的 infrequent 很少发生的 injustice 非正义的 ...

3.不经常的 rare 稀罕的 infrequent 不经常的 243 rather 相反 ...

4.不频繁的 gruesome à grue( 因害怕发抖)编辑本段缀合法 infrequent不频繁的), improper( 不合适的)…

5.罕见的 infraction n. 违法 infrequent a. 稀少的, 珍贵的, 罕见的 ingot n. 锭, 铸块 ...

6.不常见的 infrasonic frequency 次声频 infrequent 稀有的,不常见的 infusion 输液,输注 ...

7.不常发生的 ... exact →inexact( 不准确的) frequent →infrequent( 不常发生的) mature →immature( 不成熟 …


1.Goals have been infrequent and the manager would have been fully aware before the campaign that he did not possess a consistent scorer.维拉进球不多,也许早在赛季打响之前,教练便已意识到自己手头没有可以持续进球的得分手。

2.Endris, raised Cathopc but an infrequent churchgoer, closed his eyes and said a silent prayer over and over: Lord, I need you, now.在天主教家庭长大但很少去做礼拜,这时闭上了眼睛默默地一遍遍祈祷:神啊,现在我需要你。

3.Despite the inflammatory language, cheating seems to be relatively infrequent.虽然语言很有煽动性,但欺骗的情况还是比较少见的。

4.Contact your pediatrician if the infrequent, hard stools seem to be causing significant discomfort to your baby.请与您的儿科医生联系,如果不经常,干结的大便似乎造成极大的不适对你的宝宝。

5.You know not to know the material that you make, will let the amount that the infrequent Er agree family pays what kind?你知不知道你所犯的事,会让希尔诺家族付出什么样的代价?

6.If the calls to this web service are infrequent (less than one a minute), it might be determined that there is no need for caching.如果对这个Web服务的调用不多(每分钟少于一个),那么可以确定没有必要进行高速缓存。

7.If it's used as a relatively infrequent part of the program's operation, the slow performance won't be a concern.如果它作为程序运行中相对很少涉及的部分,缓慢的性能将不会是一个问题。

8.CONCLUSIONS: Infrequent egg consumption does not seem to influence the risk of CVD in male physicians.结论:不经常蛋类消费似乎并不影响男性医生心血管疾病的风险。

9.But keep in mind that infrequent but soft, easy-to-pass BMs are not constipation and rarely require intervention.但请记住,不经常,但软,容易通过的大便次数较少不是便秘,而且很少需要干预。

10.Miss Olcott was one of their infrequent guests.奥尔科特小姐是他们家不常来往的客人中的一个。