




1.人必承受地土 ... ·Night Camera 夜视相机1.2破解版 ·Inherit The Earth 地球继承者之妙狐神探 v1.6 · Tradewinds 2 贸易风云2 v1.00 ...

4.人必蒙受地土水煎,被蔡云祈指挥潜伏的间谍乱枪打死,主说:温柔的人必蒙受地土(inherit the earth),都有可能逃脱出来凭依人身上。


1.John Paul Getty, one of the world's first bilponaires, once said: "The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights. "全球首批亿万富豪之一的约翰·保罗·盖蒂(JohnPaulGetty)曾说:“温顺者终将继承地球,但他们拿不到矿产权利。”

2.You know who's going to inherit the Earth? Arms dealers. Because everyone else is too busy kilpng each other.你知道谁将继承地球吗?军火商,因为其他人都在忙于自相残杀。

3.For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.蒙耶和华赐福的,必承受地土。被他咒诅的,必被剪除。

4.We do not inherit the earth from our grandparents; we borrow it for our grandchildren.地球并不是我们从祖辈那里继承来的,而是从子孙后代那里借来的。

5.You know who's going to inherit the Earth?你知道是谁会继承地球?

6.We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.我们没有从祖先那里继承地球,

7.For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.因为作恶的,必被剪除。惟有等候耶和华的,必承受地土。

8.Oilman John Paul Getty's quip that "the meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights" clearly translates well into Mandarin.石油人约翰•保罗•盖蒂(JohnPaulGetty)的名言“温顺者终将继承地球,但他们拿不到矿产权利”显然可以轻易地翻译成汉语。

9.You, or strictly speaking your science-minded posterity, shall inherit the Earth.你,或者更严格的说继承了你的思想的后裔,将会继承这个世界。

10.Blessed are the creditors, for they shall inherit the earth.债权人这回有福了,因为他们将主宰地球。