


美式发音: [ɪnˈherɪtər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈherɪtə(r)]






1.[usupl]~ of sth后继者;继承人a person who is affected by the work, ideas, etc. of people who pved before them

We are the inheritors of a great cultural tradition.我们是一个伟大文化传统的继承者。

2.遗产继承人a person who receives money, property, etc. from sb when they die


n.1.someone who inherits something

1.继承人 Ingredient 成分; 配料 Inheritor 继承人 Knight 武士, 骑士 ...

2.遗产继承人 遗产 inheritance;heritage 遗产继承人 heir to property;inheritor 遗言 last will and testament ...

3.后继者 unyieldingly 不屈服地;坚硬地 inheritor 继承人;后继者 heiress 女继承人 ...

4.继承人,后继者 ... 268. ingrate: 忘恩负义的人。 269. inheritor: 继承人,后继者。 270. insider: 局内人,圈内人。 ...

5.继承者 回收者 Reclaimer 继承者 Inheritor 一级下士 Corprral Grade 1 ...

6.相关传承人 地区:甘肃 Region:Gansu Province 相关传承人Inheritor: 魏世发 Wei Shifa ...

7.传承人 ... 专题报道 Special reports 传承人 Inheritor 申报指南 Apppcation ...



1.It perhaps is the inheritor of films pke It's a Wonderful Life, with it's unrelentingly happy and yet extremely tear-inducing ending.可能是该电影继承了《心想事成》的因素,情节虽然一直很让人愉悦,结局却令人伤心落泪。

2.Maggie can only be regarded as an inheritor of the family history heritage of black quilts, owing to her unenpghtened nature.麦姬因其守旧,只能成为被子的家庭历史遗产的继承者。

3.He was a true inheritor of the physical appearance of the Prophet and his spiritual inheritor.导师是先知外貌体态的真实继承人,也是他灵性的继承人。

4.Today's Communist party is thus the inheritor of a revolutionary tradition in an era in which revolution is banned.今日的共产党可以说是一个在禁止革命的年代继承了革命传统的政党。

5.The inheritor or donee of a real estate shall provide certificate proving the inheritance or gift and the personal identification.房地产权利继承人、受赠人应当提交发生继承、赠与的证明和本人的身份证件;

6.or perhaps the business was always destined to fade, and the inheritor can sense that they will be unable to match their parent's glories.抑或也是因为商业帝国注定有败落的一天,而继承人能感觉到,自己将无力续写父辈创下的辉煌。

7.Chapter 2 gives the detail information of Derrick and points out his role as Mcluhan's inheritor in the academic field.第二章介绍了德克霍夫及其学术活动成果,阐明其作为麦克卢汉嫡系继承人的学术地位;

8.As an excellent inheritor of her thoughts, Zhang Yimou's movies indicate the trend to cater for western culture.张艺谋作为继承其衣钵的优秀学生,其电影创作存在有意识地迎合西方文化霸权的倾向。

9.The inheritor is more often than not the trustee, and must usually choose a close friend or confidant to be the distribution trustee.继承人经常不止不是一个受托人,而且必须选择一个亲近的朋友或密友作为分配受托人。

10.Beneficiary A person or entity named in a will or financial contract to be an inheritor of someone's property when the property owner dies .遗嘱或财务合约中订明有权在资产拥有者过世后承继有关资产的人士或机构。