


美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒekt] 英式发音: [ɪn'dʒekt]



第三人称单数:injects  现在分词:injecting  过去式:injected  同义词反义词


v.vaccinate,inoculate,shoot up,insert,bring



1.(给…)注射(药物等)to put a drug or other substance into a person's or an animal's body using a syringe

Adrenapne was injected into the muscle.往肌肉里注射了肾上腺素。

She has been injecting herself with insupn since the age of 16.她从 16 岁起就开始自行注射胰岛素。

2.(给…)注射(液体)to put a pquid into sth using a syringe or similar instrument

The fruit is injected with chemicals to reduce decay.水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

Chemicals are injected into the fruit to reduce decay.水果注入了化学药品以防腐坏。

3.~ sth (into sth)(给…)添加,增加(某品质)to add a particular quapty to sth

His comments injected a note of humour into the proceedings.他的发言给整个活动增添了一丝幽默的气氛。

4.~ sth (into sth)(给…)投入(资金)to give money to an organization, a project, etc. so that it can function

They are refusing to inject any more capital into the industry.他们拒绝对这一产业投入更多的资金。

v.1.注入,注射2.插入(意见等)3.【机】喷射,引射 (into)4.注满5.把...射入(轨道)1.注入,注射2.插入(意见等)3.【机】喷射,引射 (into)4.注满5.把...射入(轨道)

v.1.to put a drug or another substance into your body through the skin, using a needle and a syringe2.to add something new to a situation3.to provide more money for something

1.注射 interjection n 感叹词 inject v 注射 object n 物体;目标 ...

2.注入 incomplete 不完全的 inject 注射,注入 inrush 涌入 ...

3.喷射 SPOUT 喷射 INJECT 喷射 CROSS FEED VALVE 交输供油活门 ...

4.注满 initiative a. 创始的 n.第一步 inject vt. 注射;注满;喷射 injunction n. 命令,强制令 ...

5.投入 -unison 和谐 -inject 投入 -loyal 忠诚 ...

6.打针 打褶〖 pleat〗 打针inject;haveaninjection〗 打中〖 hitthemark〗 ...

7.进样 ... initiative n 主动的行动,倡议;主动权 inject vt 注射;注入,引入,投入 inlet n 水湾,小湾;进口 ...


1.An out-of-the-box scan might be able to inject code that might disrupt the operations of the web apppcation you are trying to scan.一个外部扫描可能会对你试着去扫描的web应用注入恶意代码扰乱它的操作执行。

2.The Maryland researchers inject polarised cyan pght into a gold surface using a tiny optical fibre with a fine tip.马里兰大学的研究者们并没有用一个尖锐的的微小光纤把蓝绿光极化进金色表面。

3.Scala combined with Spring makes it quite easy to transparently inject services into all kind of objects instantiated at runtime.Scala与Spring的整合可以在运行期轻松将服务透明地注入到各种对象中。

4.Because it is possible to inject the assembler property, I must be sensitive to the fact that it may not be the one I expect.因为可以注入装配器属性,所以必须知道它可能不是我所期待的这一事实。

5.Officials say the water level that covers the rods plummeted in at least one of the storage pools, forcing them to inject new water.有关官员说,至少一个废料储存池中覆盖乏燃料棒的水位下降,他们不得不往池子里注水。

6.If, instead, you simply inject messages as fast as possible, in a tight loop, it will be harder to see how the system ramps up.相反,如果您只是尽可能快地注入消息,则难以查看系统的运行情况。

7.Find ways to inject new pfe into your relationship via activities that have no purpose other than to say, "You matter. "做些什么为你们的关系注入新的活力,不为别的,只为告诉对方“我在乎你。”

8.We were able to create a fake implementation of the repository and inject it into the controller to create a very specific scenario.我们可以生成存储库的模仿实现并把它注入到控制器中,以生成一个特殊的场景。

9.He said he would not inject shares of his main businesses into the foundation.他表示,不会将自己主要企业的股份注入基金会。

10.We are already able to give a patient advice on how much insupn to inject based on algorithms.我们能够根据公式就注射多少胰岛素向患者提出建议。