



美式发音: [ˈɪnəˌveɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɪnəʊveɪt]



第三人称单数:innovates  现在分词:innovating  过去式:innovated  同义词反义词




v.1.刷新,革新,改革 (in; on; upon)2.创始

v.1.to invent or begin using new ideas, methods, equipment, etc.


2.革新 Initiated 开始,发动 Innovated 革新,创新 Inspected 调查 ...

3.改革 ... Motivated-- 激发 Innovated-- 改革,创新 Prohibited-- 禁止,阻止 ...

4.创新的 首创精神 initiative 创新的 innovated 受启发的 inspired ...



1.He said the self-innovated technologies hopefully will come out in one or two years.好消息是这两项技术有望在一两年之内得到突破。

2.Having Been inherited, developed, opened up and innovated, old style Chinese palace foods with new features are ready to serve you.中国古老的宫廷膳食,经继承、发扬、开拓、创新之后,以崭新的面目展现在您眼前。

3.Originally labeled as China's Twitter clone, Sina Weibo has innovated so much that it is now a more robust platform than its originator.新浪微博起初被外界称之为Twitter的中国山寨版,但是它已经做出了众多创新,以至于现在成为了一个比原版网站都还要强大的平台。

4.Innovated merchandising and well planned special days and special menus are a very important part of a food service operation.创新营销和精心策划的特别日子及特别菜单是餐饮服务运作的一个非常重要的组成部分。

5.It is a method with fewer investment amount and better effect that the general spinning machine be innovated to spin fine denier filament.对普通纺丝设备进行改造以达到纺制细旦长丝的目的是一条投资少、见效快的途径。

6.In a sense, without the creative thought, it has not innovated the practice, also on has not innovated the achievement.从一定意义上说,没有创新思维,就没有创新实践,也就没有创新成果。

7.Among the university capital construction, project financing has been innovated and many modes have been formed.其中高校基本建设在项目融资方面入行了立异,并形成多种模式。

8.Concise, elegant, classical Symmetry integrated kitchen will comes to be an innovated fashion design.对称式整体厨房,将成为一种创新的流行设计。

9.One of his greatest legacies will be the superb team and company he left behind, in addition to the superb devices he innovated.他最伟大的遗产是其身后卓尔不凡的团队和公司,除此之外就是其发明的无与伦比的产品。

10.In the new stage of sociapst modernization, the educating way of poptical theory for the youth must be innovated.社会主义现代化建设的新阶段实践呼唤青年政治理论教育方式的创新。