


美式发音: [ɪnˈsɑmniə] 英式发音: [ɪnˈsɒmniə]






insomnia显示所有例句n.— see alsosleeplessness

1.失眠(症)the condition of being unable to sleep

to suffer from insomnia失眠


n.1.a medical condition in which you have difficulty sleeping

1.失眠 倦怠 Tireness 失眠 Insomnia 肩头发硬 Stiffness in Shoulder ...

2.失眠症 resolution n 决心;溶解 insomnia n 失眠症 insomnious a 失眠的 ...

3.白夜追凶口碑载道但本人感觉不大,原因在於此片与导演两部前作白夜追凶(Insomnia)及死亡魔法(The Prestige)有不少互相呼应的地方( …

4.不眠症 11.Beautiful_ 美丽 东海 13.Insomnia_ 不眠症 厉旭 17.Honey_ 甜心 利特 ...

5.不寐神经衰弱) 针灸治疗失眠(神经衰弱)的方法和穴位 不寐(insomnia)通常称为"失眠"、"不得卧"等,是以经常不能获得正常睡 …

6.针锋相对 Chef Show Time 阿正厨坊 insomnia 睡不著 Windsor Hotel Taichung 裕元花园酒店 ...

8.失眠,失眠症 He is on vacation until next Wednesday. 他休假到下周三。 Storm Note:Insomnia失眠,失眠


1.Experienced the whole night suffer from insomnia, the second day after the pain can do remedial work, must be trying to take a nap at noon.经历了整晚失眠的痛苦之后,第二天能做的补救工作,就是一定要想方设法在中午打个盹。

2.the spiritual reasons: schizophrenia, reflecting the nature of mental illness is often accompanied by insomnia and mental illness.精神性原因:精神分裂症、反映性精神病等精神疾病常伴有失眠。

3.Children with reported insomnia had impaired CAM with a shift towards more sympathetic or excitable activation of the heart rhythm.报告有失眠症的孩子CAM受损,交感神经调节较多或心节律激活兴奋。

4.This is precisely the case told me to irritabipty, increased the rate of defective did not say, insomnia every night.这样的情形叫我烦躁不安,次品率提高了不说,还夜夜失眠。

5.The horror movie overwhelmed him so much that he began to suffer from a sleeping disorder, even insomnia.恐怖电影把他吓坏了,以至于令他睡眠紊乱,甚至失眠

6.Consciousness can cure Restless, upset easy to dry, insomnia and dreaminess, palpitation and shortness of breath, sweating embopsm.意识可以治愈不宁,心烦易干,失眠多梦,心悸,气短,出汗栓塞。

7.For the same reason, don't make up for an acute bout of insomnia by going to bed early.出于相同的原因,不要因为一次严重的失眠症的发作而用早点上床来补偿。

8.Insomnia is not harmful if it is only occasional; the body is readily restored by a few hours of extra sleep.偶尔的失眠对人体并没有害处,人们只需要额外的几小时睡眠就可以恢复过来。

9.The message was "slow down" and the "assistance" was that I was finally able to sleep normally again after about a month of quasi-insomnia.启示是告诉我“放慢生活节奏”,“援助”是在失眠约一月后我又可以重新正常入睡了。

10.Two days after discharge the patient experienced intense itching all over the body , anxiety and severe insomnia .出院两天后,患者出现全身明显瘙痒,焦虑和严重失眠。