

instant coffee

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1.即溶咖啡 铁观音/ Oolong-tea/ 速溶咖啡/ Instant-coffee/ 牛肉干/ Dried-beef/ ...


1.Schultz also said the company will launch an iced version of its Via brand instant coffee in North America.Schultz并指出,星巴克将在北美推出Via即溶冰咖啡。

2.Her reaction to such sights is often to murmur a curse and fetch a cup of instant coffee.她对于这些景象的反应通常是低声的咒骂然后快速灌下一杯速溶咖啡。

3.This sort of sales tactic might work for instant coffee, a product that everyone understands is a bastardization of something much better.对于速溶咖啡来说,这也许是个有效的营销手段,因为大家都知道它本来就廉价不入流。

4.Ironically, instant coffee is the only form of coffee available in certain coffee exporting countries.具有讽刺意味的是,速溶咖啡竟然是一些咖啡出口国家里唯一能够找到的咖啡产品。

5.Up at 6 am, pack, enjoy some nice instant coffee Arlyne brought, some sticky rice with chicken left over from last night, and ready to go!我们6点钟起床,喝了些Arlyne带来的很不错的速溶咖啡,吃了些昨天晚上剩下的鸡肉糯米饭,然后就开始出发了。

6.The United States is the largest instant coffee export country, but the United States who do not drink instant coffee and more.美国是最大的速溶咖啡外销国家,但美国本土喝速溶咖啡的人却不多。

7.Starbucks Corp. , the company that brought $4 lattes to the masses, said Thursday it plans to introduce a pne of instant coffee.将4美元拿铁带给大众的星巴克公司周四称其计划引入一速溶咖啡系列。

8.Flavor: Difficult to categorize, as it varies from region to region and much of it is sold as instant coffee.口感:难以分类,各区域有所不同,大多用来制作速溶咖啡。

9.Instant coffee is drunk all over the world, largely because its simppcity of use compared to other forms of coffee making.全世界的人都在喝速溶咖啡,主要因为跟其他咖啡制作相比,冲速溶咖啡非常简单。

10.Starbucks rolled out its instant coffee nationally a year ago.在一年前星巴克开始在美国市场出售速溶咖啡。