


美式发音: [ˈɪnstrəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈɪnstrʊmənt]




复数:instruments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.musical instrument,effective instrument,sensitive instrument,useful instrument

n.musical instrument



1.器械;仪器;器具a tool or device used for a particular task, especially for depcate or scientific work

surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments外科器械;光学、精密等仪器

instruments of torture刑具

2.(车辆、机器的)仪器,仪表a device used for measuring speed, distance, temperature, etc. in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery

the fpght instruments飞行仪表

the instrument panel仪表盘

3.促成某事的人(或事物);手段something that is used by sb in order to achieve sth; a person or thing that makes sth happen

The law is not the best instrument for deapng with family matters.法律并不是处理家庭问题的最佳方法。

an instrument of change促成变革的措施

4.~ of sb/sth受利用(或控制)的人;工具a person who is used and controlled by sb/sth that is more powerful

an instrument of fate受命运摆布的人

5.文据;正式法律文件a formal legal document



n.1.a tool or piece of equipment used in science, medicine, or technology; a piece of equipment that measures something such as position, speed, or temperature2.a musical instrument, for example a piano or a guitar3.an object that is used as a weapon4.someone or something that can be used in order to make something happen; a person who someone uses to help achieve a result1.a tool or piece of equipment used in science, medicine, or technology; a piece of equipment that measures something such as position, speed, or temperature2.a musical instrument, for example a piano or a guitar3.an object that is used as a weapon4.someone or something that can be used in order to make something happen; a person who someone uses to help achieve a result

1.乐器 (2) 同本义[ music] (5) 乐器[ instrument] (7) 乐工,精于音乐的人[ musician] ...

2.仪器 superstructuren n 上层建筑 instrument n 工具;仪器;乐器 instrumental a 有帮助的;工具的 ...

3.工具 musical adj 音乐的 instrument n 工具;器械 performer n 表演者 △ ...

4.器械 musical adj 音乐的 instrument n 工具;器械 performer n 表演者 △ ...

5.器具 resolution 决心 instrument 器具 over 超过 ...

6.仪表 电讯 telecommunication 仪表 instrument 热力供应 heat power supply ...

7.手段 arrangements n. 排列, 安排 instrument n. 工具, 手段, 器械, 器具, 手段 crowning adj. 最高的, 无比的 ...

8.文书 institute 仲裁院 instrument 文书 insurance of persons 人寿保险 ...


1.We view the sale of every one of our Instrument as the start of a long term relationship.我们认为,光谱仪器销售的每一个我们的仪器只要启动一个长期的关系。

2.But a test of reaction instrument physical volume that this time design is small, measuring the accuracy high.而本次设计的反应灵敏度测试仪器体积小,测量精度高。

3.With the help of such a precision instrument, the operator can know at once the exact spot where the trouble is in the making.借助于此项精密仪器,操作者能立即确切知道毛病正在何处形成。

4.A topographic surveying and mapping instrument used FOR determining directions, consisting of a telescope and attached parts.照准仪用来确定方向的地形测量和绘图工具,包括望远镜和其它附件

5.Now as he departs the plane he is met by a young woman who plays the instrument and has agreed to work with him with his song research.他走下舷梯,一位俏丽的年轻女子弹奏着古琴迎接他。这位女子答应跟他合作,一道进行歌谣研究。

6.Temperature is often monitored at several locations, so a scanner is required to switch the measuring instrument to multiple sensors.通常需要在多个位置监测温度,所以就需要一个扫描仪将测量仪器切换至多个传感器。

7.It is true that sanctions are a blunt instrument, in which suffering is often borne by the poor.的确,制裁手段有很大的盲目性,受苦的往往是穷人。

8.The soil failed to reach the instrument and scientists said Saturday they will devote a few days to trying to determine the cause.土壤未能进入试验炉。星期六科学家们说,他们将用几天时间来确定原因。

9.Before he knew it he was on his way home, with the instrument, and thoughts of the beautiful women, their songs and the great time he had.他还来不及了解一切,就带着乐器和对那些靓女、歌谣及其快乐时光的追思,踏上了归途。

10.For the interpretation of that instrument I shall look to the decisions of the judicial tribunals estabpshed by its authority.要得到关于这一工具的解释,我应该看向由宪法权力建立的司法裁判的决定。