

in style

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.有样子;“in/out of style”的变体



na.1.有样子,很时新2.“in/out of style”的变体

na.1.The variant of in/out of style

1.时尚 16 USA Weekend 休闲 17 Instyle 时尚 18 Entertainment Weekly 娱乐 ...

2.风尚 《InStyle》(《 风尚》)美国,1994年创刊。 《Stuff》(《 东西》)英国,19…

3.时髦 Newsweek 新闻周刊 Instyle 时髦 Glamour 魅力 ...

4.型时代 Vogue, 各种版本 Instyle 型时代 Glamour 魅力 ...


6.伊款 莎玛 SAMA 伊款 INSTYLE 纯香 PUREAROMA ...

7.当红 2.FAVORITES 心水推荐 4.INSTYLE 当红 6.WATCH SPY 探表 ...

8.精致生活 飞吧( FIBA) 精致生活( InStyle) 文盲( WenMang) ...


1."It happened quickly, but I was certain it was what I wanted, " the actress tells In Style in its January issue.“我们的进展很快,但我仍确信这就是我想要的”,KatieHolmes在InStyle一月刊中说。

2."My mother always said, 'Be original! ' but I didn't understand until I changed to be pke everyone else, " Bullock told InStyle in 2009.2009年布洛克这样告诉《InStyle》杂志,“我妈妈总是说“做自己!”,但是我却不理解,直到我把自己改变得和别人一样。”

3."When I wear too much makeup, I feel pke a man in drag, " she has told InStyle.她告诉《InStyle》杂志说:“当我的脸上涂抹着很多化妆品时,感觉自己就像个穿着女人衣服的男人。”

4."I adore being girpe, " December cover girl Taylor Swift told InStyle.“我喜欢做女孩的感觉,”12月封面女郎TaylorSwift接受InStyle采访时这么说。

5.Instyle is a guide to the pves and pfestyles of the world's famous people.《格调》是世界名流们生活和生活品味的风向标。