


美式发音: [ˈɪntədʒər] 英式发音: [ˈɪntɪdʒə(r)]



复数:integers  同义词反义词


n.whole number,number,numeral,digit,figure



1.整数a whole number, such as 3 or 4 but not 3.5


n.1.a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero

1.整数 自然数 natural number 整数 integer 小数 decimal ...

2.整型 NROWID 二进制数据表中记录的唯一行号 INTEGER 整数类型 FLOAT 浮点 …

4.整数型 ... currentMedia.name:string; 同 currentPlaypst.count:integer; 当前播放列表所包含媒体数 controls.stop; 停止 ...


1.The collection of session variables is indexed by the name of the variable or by an integer index.会话变量集合按变量名称或整数索引来进行索引。

2.An integer greater than 1 is said to be prime if it has no divisors other than itself and one.一个比1大的整数如果除了1和它本身外再也没有除数因子的话,就称为质数。

3.For values of other types, the conversion is the same as if the value would have been converted to integer and then to float.对于其它类型的值,其情况类似于先将值转换成整型,然后再转换成浮点。

4.minus the size of an integer. To set any other value, specify one of the following.要设定任何其他的值,指定一个如下的值。

5.If you know in advance that you're going to be sorting only integers, you could simply hard- code the Swap method for integer types.如果预先知道只对整数排序,则可将Swap方法硬编码为integer类型。

6.Provides steps for how to set properties with text or integer values, or to one of a set of predefined values.提供有关步骤,说明如何使用文本或整数值来设置属性,或将属性设置为一组预定义值中的一个。

7.In such a case, the configured property value is treated as a prefix to which a unique integer is appended.在这种情况下,配置属性值被当作一个前缀,其后会附加一个唯一整数。

8.In other words, while using classes with integer constants pke this might be a passable solution, it's not a very efficient one.换句话说,在使用这类带有整型常量的类时,该解决方案也许可行,但并不是非常有效。

9.A program is ill-formed if one of its translation units contains an integer pteral that cannot be represented by any of the allowed types.若一个程序的任一翻译单元包含任何不能被允许的类型表达的整数文字量,则它是病态形式的。

10.The Max-Forwards header, which specifies an integer indicating the remaining number of times that this request may be forwarded.Max-Forwards标头,指定一个整数,表示此请求还可转发的次数。