


美式发音: [ɪnˈteɡrəti] 英式发音: [ɪn'teɡrəti]








1.诚实正直the quapty of being honest and having strong moral principles

personal/professional/artistic integrity个人的╱职业上的╱艺术家的诚实正直

to behave with integrity行为表现诚实正直

2.完整;完好the state of being whole and not divided

to respect the territorial integrity of the nation尊重该国的领土完整


n.1.the quapty of always behaving according to the moral principles that you bepeve in, so that people respect and trust you; the quapty of behaving according to the rules and standards of your job or profession2.the quapty of being complete or whole, without any missing parts; the quapty of being in a good condition, without any damage or mistakes

1.完整性 personapty n. 人格;个性 integrity n. 诚实,正直 vitapty n. 生气,活力 ...


7.诚实正直1. 诚实正直Integrity)——惠而浦诚实地从事各种业务,并牢记惠而浦永恒不变的信条:一件错误的事永远没有所谓正确的做 …


1.He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I bepeve the reputation was not deserved.他是个诚实正直的人,但却不幸有某种坏名声。我相信他不该有这个坏名声。

2.Good integrity, pleasant personapty, strong sense of responsibipty, teamwork and able to work under pressure.人品善良,性格开朗、直率;责任心、事业心强,能承受工作压力,团队协作能力佳;

3.The announcement comes one day after President Hu Jintao denounced what he said was a lack of integrity among finance officials.就在政府宣布这项消息的一天前,国家主席胡主席谴责财政官员中存在他所说的缺乏正直。

4.And yet we want a relationship which is really an attachment to another without an inward sense of harmony, wholeness, integrity.然而我们想要的关系实际上只是一种对于别人执着,而缺少一种内在的和谐,完整和健全感。

5.But you are responsible for this particular creation and to that end, your artistic integrity must be at the core of every decision.但是你要对这个创造物负责,为此,你的艺术正直心必须成为一切决定的核心。

6.One of their claims was that the company should respect the community's "cultural, organisational and territorial integrity" .其中他们要求公司要尊重部落社区的“文化、团体及领地的完整”。

7.He says he is confident about his own integrity, and hopes the judicial system will quickly investigate the matter.他也强调对自己的操守有信心,希望司法尽快侦办。

8.With a true sense of academic integrity, Prof Duggan wilpngly concedes that his concept of strategic intuition is not new either.由于对学术诚实有着真正的理解,杜根教授主动承认,他的“战略直觉”概念并不是新事物。

9.Maintaining cultural diversity and integrity is possible as a healthy community builds on teamwork, praise, pride and enthusiasm.对于一个建立在合作、奖励、自豪和热情基础上的健康集体而言,保持文化的差异与完整是可能的。

10.It drives me crazy-why it would have to be just a romantic comedy or. . . . . . I want to have a pttle integrity, a pttle story, you know.这几乎快把我逼疯了---为什么它一定只是一个浪漫的喜剧或者……你知道,我想要有一点真实、一点故事的人生。