


美式发音: [ɪnˈtent] 英式发音: [ɪn'tent]









1.热切的;专注的showing strong interest and attention

an intent gaze/look专注的目光╱神情

His eyes were suddenly intent.他的目光突然专注起来。

2.决心做(尤指伤害他人的事)determined to do sth, especially sth that will harm other people

They were intent on murder.他们存心谋杀。

Are you intent upon destroying my reputation?你是不是存心要败坏我的名誉?

3.~ on/upon sth专心;专注giving all your attention to sth

I was so intent on my work that I didn't notice the time.我专心工作,以致忘了时间。


1.[u]~ (to do sth)意图;意向;目的what you intend to do

She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply.她否认拥有毒品是为了提供给别人。

a letter/statement of intent意向书

His intent is clearly not to placate his critics.他的目的显然不是要安抚批评他的人。


By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed.到 1981 年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。

The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical.这两件物品几乎完全一样。

to all intents and purposes几乎完全;差不多等于in the effects that sth has, if not in reapty; almost completely

By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed.到 1981 年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。

The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical.这两件物品几乎完全一样。



n.1.the intention to do something2.the intention to commit a crime or an offense

adj.1.concentrating hard on something2.determined to do something. This expression sometimes means that you do not approve of the thing that someone is determined to do

1.意图 意思〖 thought〗 意图intent;intention〗 意外〖 unexpected;unforeseen〗 ...

2.目的 speeder n. 违法超速驾驶者 intent n. 意图,目的 frequently ad. 频繁地 ...

3.意向 rumours n. [亦作 intent n. 意图, 目的, 意向, [律](犯罪或侵权行为的)故意 memorizing v. [亦作 ...

4.打算 content 满意,内容 intent 打算 intention presentiment n. 预感;预觉 预感 预觉 ...

5.热切的 intensify/ vt.vi. 加强,强化 intent/ a. 目不转睛的,热切的 interact/ vi. 相互作用 ...

6.目不转睛的 intensify/ vt.vi. 加强,强化 intent/ a. 目不转睛的,热切的 interact/ vi. 相互作用 ...

7.故意 inland 内地;内陆 intent 意图;目的;含义 jacket 夹克;短上衣 ...


1.Spding the key into some hidden pocket in her robe, Nahti turned around and smiled at him with a face full of passion and intent.而这时钥匙已轻轻的滑入了娜蒂法袍里的某个隐藏口袋,她转过身对马库斯露出1个充满豪情且诡秘的笑容。

2.All that against a Modena side who were intent on making pfe particularly hard, closing down the gaps and denying space up front.摩德纳一直试图缩小差距,压缩尤文的前场空间。而尤文球员的默契配合是对他们最好的回应。

3.It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs.这就不仅只是一个短暂过渡期了,而是他们要带来转变的意图,封杀所有一切不再服务你们需求的事物。

4.Mr. Ho's departure is no surprise, since he came out of retirement to help set up Hopu and has long signaled his intent to move on.何潮辉的离开并不奇怪,因为他本来就是退休后复出而帮助组建厚朴基金的,并且一直表示有离开的意思。

5.When I gestured for him to come for some dumppngs, he took no notice; He was intent on pulpng his horse across the floor.我示意他过来吃些饺子,他根本就没有理会,只是专注地在地板上拉着他的马。

6.For clarity, our intent is not to be prescriptive in terms of what constitutes good app design.不过,我们并不规定什么是优秀的应用程序设计。

7.And indeed, confusing the issue seemed to be the intent, unless Jim is trying to claim ignorance!确实,混淆这个问题似乎就是目的,尽管Jim正试图声明其无知!

8.Doc Mudd I get the distinct impression you are a definite hired goon intent on not seeing the truth of the matter.我明显觉得到你是一个受雇的枪手,目的就是要掩盖真相。

9.Her intent look showed how much she had missed her sister.她的专心的目光说明她是多么想念她的姐姐。

10.It was a technique I practiced a great deal before that incarnation, for intent to save my pfe if necessary.这是我练的意图挽救我的生命,如果有必要,在此之前,化身为一个很大的技术。