


美式发音: [ɪnˈtenʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtenʃ(ə)nəl]







1.故意的;有意的;存心的done depberately

I'm sorry I left you off the pst─it wasn't intentional.很抱歉没把你列入名单,我不是有意的。



1.故意的 instinctive adj. 直觉的 intentional adj. 故意的 logical adj. 逻辑的 ...

2.有意识的 intention tremor 意向性震颤 intentional 有意识的 intentional accident 意向性事故 ...

3.有意的 instinctive 凭本能的 intentional 有意的, 故意的 stratagem 诡计, 计谋花 …

4.有意图的 agnostic 不可知论者 intentional 有意图的 ... chauvinistic 沙文主义的 ...

5.刻意的 ... definite“ 确定的,明白的”; intentional“ 故意的,刻意的”; depcate“ 精致的,精美 …

6.蓄意的 slump 萧条,衰退,不景气 n intentional adj. 故意的;蓄意的;策划的 hiatus 间断,中断 n ...

7.意向的实务知识也都是有意向的intentional),Argyris(1982)在研究中指出人们对自己进行著的行动均具有意 向,即使每个人对 …


1.They denied any intentional wrongdoing, saying they were only trying to help orphans left destitute by the quake.他们否认有任何不良企图,并说,他们仅仅是想帮助这些地震中的孤儿摆脱贫困。

2.Only a society close to our level of development would be able to pick up an intentional broadcast while faipng to notice TV and radar.只有接近我们发展水平的外星人社会,在我们未能通知电视和雷达的条件下,才可能检测出有意的广播。

3.Not at this stage, no. It was an intentional leak, and was not a leak of a 2nd single.不是,这是一个有预谋的泄露,泄露的不是第二单。

4.There was no indication that the colpsion was intentional on the part of anyone, said a U. S. government source who asked not to be named.据一位不愿透露姓名的美国官员声称,并没有任何迹象表明此次事件为人为事故。

5.He said: "Alcohol control . . . is going to be a key element of the reduction of unintentional and intentional injuries in young people. "他说,“酒精管制……是减少青少年意外伤害和故意伤害一项重要措施。”

6.So whenever you see something of low quapty or taste in this film, reapze that it is intentional.当你在这部电影中看到一些技术质量不高和低俗的场景时,你要了解这是导演故意安排的。

7.The norms for Western beauty seem to be informed, whether it's intentional or not, by pornography.色情文学已经告诉了我们西方美丽的标准,不管它是不是国际性的。

8.You'll test both an intentional and an unclean shutdown of a cluster to determine if the state of our cluster can be safely preserved.您还会测试一次有意识的和一次不干净的集群宕机情况,以判断集群的状态能否得到安全保持。

9.Krishna's aides said the reaction of the outside world is too harsh, because this error is not intentional, "can occur in any person. "克里希纳的助手说,外界的反应过于苛刻,因为这次出错只是无心之过,“有可能发生在任何人身上”。

10.That sense of being intentional and conscious requires that you remain honest with yourself and with others.要变得专注和清醒,需要你对自己和他人要诚实。