




1.兴趣点在一些文献中特征点也被称为兴趣点(Interesting Point)或者是显著点(Significant Point)。我们将其理解为在图像中易于标识的点…


1.This is a very interesting point: the mind refuses to see things directly, to be aware of itself without the word and the symbol.这点非常有趣:头脑拒绝直接看到事物,不带语言和符号地觉察它自己。

2.That's an interesting point, and we'll come to it a bit later in the presentation.这是个很有趣的问题,我们在接下来的演讲中会谈到它。

3.ROGER: If he had put it together with this shot, He would have made a much more interesting point.罗杰:如果他把刚才录像与这个镜头放在一起,他可以做的有趣的多。

4.The interesting point though, is, why did you think they might be correct?但是,有趣的是,为什么你会觉得它们可能是正确的呢?

5.But the interesting point is, if you look over the 1990s, within a few years the organism's evolved to be more mild.但是有趣的地方时,如果你仔细看看90年代,仅仅几年病菌就进化的更温和。

6.That's an interesting point, but don't you think long texts don't suit beginners?这个观点挺有意思.但是你不认为长的课文对初学者不太适合吗?

7.Which brings up another interesting point: Eating fatty food, researchers have discovered, makes you want to eat even more of it.这个例子产生了另一项有趣的事实:研究人员发现,吃了大鱼大肉就想吃更多的大鱼大肉。

8.It's an interesting point, but sadly not one I suspect that stands up to scrutiny.这点很有趣,但不幸的是我认为没人会支持仔细审查。

9.Before we comment further on the acceleration of consciousness, we wish to add an interesting point to the conversation.在我们进一步讨论意识的加速问题前,我们希望先插入些有意思的话题。

10.And one interesting point here in Israel's government, the President is mostly ceremonial position.而以色列政府一个有趣的地方是总统大多是名誉职位。