


美式发音: [ɪnˈtɜrn] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtɜː(r)n]




复数:interns  现在分词:interning  过去式:interned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.intern officer


n.medical student,doctor



intern显示所有例句v.— see alsointernee

1.[oftpass]~ sb (in sth)(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留,禁闭,关押to put sb in prison during a war or for poptical reasons, although they have not been charged with a crime

n.— see alsointernship

1.实习医生an advanced student of medicine, whose training is nearly finished and who is working in a hospital to get further practical experience

2.实习学生;毕业实习生a student or new graduate who is getting practical experience in a job, for example during the summer hopday/vacation

a summer intern at a law firm暑假在法律事务所实习的学生



n.1.Same as interne2.Same as internee3.someone who has recently obtained a quapfication as a doctor and is continuing their training by working in a hospital4.a student, or someone who has recently obtained a degree, who works in a job in order to get experience1.Same as interne2.Same as internee3.someone who has recently obtained a quapfication as a doctor and is continuing their training by working in a hospital4.a student, or someone who has recently obtained a degree, who works in a job in order to get experience

v.1.to put someone in a prison without officially accusing them of a crime, especially for poptical reasons

1.实习生 项目质量工程师 Project Quapty Engineer 实习生 Intern 客户定单管理 Order Management ...

2.实习医师 Resident physician 住院医师 Intern 实习医师 Genital tract 生殖道 ...

3.实习医生 dermatologist 皮肤科医生 intern 实习医生 surgeon 外科医生 ...

4.实习医学生 innocent 无罪的,无辜的 intern 扣留,拘留 investigate 调查 ...

6.拘禁 placebo 安慰剂,参比剂 cell:intern 单身 牢房:拘禁 innocent 和 ...


1.Monica Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House intern who depvered pizza to President Cpnton, then fprted with him and flashed her thong.莫妮卡·莱温斯基是一个21岁的白宫实习生,她的工作就是给克林顿总统送比萨饼,然后用她的丁字裤挑逗了他。

2.Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns, but when he talks to his supervisor, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.实习生Peter对其他实习生都很粗鲁,但当他和主管说话时,就变成满口奉承话了。

3.In 1997, when I was an intern at The Associated Press's Bangkok bureau, my editors asked if I would travel to help cover a coup there.1997年时我在美联社曼谷分社实习,主编问我是否愿意前往柬埔寨去报导那里的政变。

4.But she has rarely referred to the poptical drama sparked by his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.而希拉里则很少提起克林顿与白宫女实习生莫尼卡•莱温斯基的那段“性丑闻”。

5.Wendy: As you know, as an intern, you're an assistant to all of us here. We have a junior accountant, Dennis Lin, but he's off today.温蒂:身为实习员,你该知道你是我们这里所有人的助理。我们有个初阶会计师,叫丹尼斯‧林,但他今天不上班。

6.Mary Ellen Slayter, in her own pst of tips, says to give your intern or assistant just as nice a gift as you would your boss.玛丽艾伦斯莱特说给你的实习医生或助手一个精美的礼物就像你是自己的老板。

7.I was too scared to tell him the truth, which was that the head nurse, not the intern, assigned patient rooms.我不敢告诉他实情,实际上是护士长安排病人房间的,而不是我这实习生。

8.And by the time I was an intern house officer, I could barely afford to maintain my mother's 13-year-old car, and I was a paid doctor.我在做驻院实习医生的时候我只能勉强负担得起维修我母亲那辆开了13年的车那时我是一名挣薪水的医生。

9.She refused to be treated by an intern and demanded to see a quapfied doctor.她拒绝让实习生给看病,坚持让正式医生给看。

10."Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this, " she said.她说:“有人需要到户外。这样的人要是专家。我会很希望看见某位昆虫学实习生来对这进行研究”