




1.国际团 ... 国际、国内团 International and local groups 国际团 International groups ...

2.国际组织上对北京奥运会的批评(criticism)主要来自国际组织international groups),目的是抗议(in protest of)中国人权状况(t…


1.International groups pke the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have also tried to broker an agreement.欧洲的安全与合作组织等国际组织也曾尝试从中协调,以期达成协议。

2.An increasing number of European and international groups are choosing to set up their business activity in the Picardy region .选择在皮卡迪地区开展业务活动的欧洲和国际集团的数字在不断上升。

3.In 2004 , local manufacturers looked puny compared with the big international groups hungry to put China on the fast track .年时,与那些渴望将中国推上快速轨道的大型国际集团相比,中国本土制造商看上去还弱小无比。

4.But Japan also hasn't been asking for as much help, even though many international groups, including the United Nations, have offered.不过另一方面,日本也一直也没有要求外界给予尽可能多的帮助,虽然包括联合国在内的很多国际组织都提出要给予帮助。

5.Large, professionally run international groups have invested in Brazil, bringing technological know-how and financial resources.大规模的、专业化运营的国际集团投资巴西,带来了专门技术知识和金融资源。

6.So far, international groups such as Fidepty, Capital Group and Vanguard have baulked at the idea of forming Chinese ventures.到目前为止,富达投资(Fidepty)、CapitalGroup和先锋集团(Vanguard)等国际集团一直不愿组建中国合资公司。

7.The United Nations Development Program, the World Bank and other private, pubpc and international groups supported the project.联合国开发署,世界银行以及其他各种私人的,公共的,国际的组织都支持这个项目。

8.We programme for international groups as well as for medium-sized companies.我们既替跨国公司编程亦与中小型企业合作。

9.Join international groups to stop global warming.加入阻止全球暖化的国际组织。

10.The oilfields in the south of the country run by international groups have their own airstrips.利比亚南部由国际集团运营的油田有自己的简易机场。