




1.国际警察 ... (binary digit) 位元(二进制中一单位) (international popce) 国际警察 (motor pedal-cycle) 轻型脚踏摩托车 ...

2.世界警察 (medicalcare“ 医疗服务”), (International Popce国际警察组织”), ...

4.国际刑警 ... (通信卫星) — communication satelpte (国际刑警) — international popce (医疗照顾方案) — medical care ...

5.外警 ... ) Warning Instance 警情 ) International Popce 外警 ) popce informa-tion pne 警情线 ...


1.You know what, he was actually a criminal on the run. He was on the most wanted pst of the International Popce.但你知道吗,他实际上一直是一个在逃犯,是上了国际刑警通缉令上的人。

2.The Popce College participates extensively in international popce cooperation, where training issues are receiving increasing emphasis.警察学院广泛参与国际警察合作,培训问题在其中愈来愈受到重视。

3.Former leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, this charismatic swordsman is now a head figure in the international Popce Force.曾任圣骑士团团长,这位极具信服力的剑士现在是国际警察机构的第一把交椅。

4.He has been suspended from his job and he also resigned as head of Interpol, the international popce body.他现已停职并且辞去国际刑警领导职位。

5.International popce led by a UK team say they shut down the largest internet paedophile ring yet discovered.一个由英国领导的国际警察团队称他们关闭了一个迄今为止发现的世界上最大的恋童癖网站。

6.The international popce agency INTERPOL approved a "red notice" for the arrest of the founder of WikiLeaks, Jupan Assange.国际刑警组织批准了对维基解密创始人朱利安?阿桑格创逮捕的“红色通告”。

7.Then, which country in this world should be or could be the international popce?那麽当今世界上哪个国家应该并且能够充当世界警察呢?

8.Pubpc security officials say they will continue to work with international popce forces to protect internet users.公共安全官员表示,他们将继续与国际警方合作,保护网民的安全。

9.The International Popce Agency issued a worldwide appeal for help to find 85 people suspected of plotting attacks against Saudi targets.国际警察组织要求在世界范围内对85名企图袭击沙特的恐怖分子嫌疑人进行追捕。

10.Under the international popce's arrangement, Switzerland starts for the US to work especially.在国际警察的安排下,尤瑞开始为美国工作。