


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈvenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈvenʃ(ə)n]



复数:interventions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.miptary intervention

v.+n.intervention prevent




n.1.a situation in which someone becomes involved in a particular issue, problem, etc. in order to influence what happens

1.干预 480、Intermediate goods 中间产品 482、Intervention 干预 484、Invention 发明 ...

2.干涉 不可想象/ Inconceivable 干涉/ Intervention 莎拉的启发/ The Initiation of Sarah ...

3.介入 intervene 干涉 intervention 介入 interview 晤面 ...

4.调停 intervening well 插入井 intervention 调停 interview 会面;访问 ...

5.干预措施 add up to 意味着 intervention n. 介入;调停;妨碍 pit crew 后勤维修人员 ...

7.介入措施然实验的研究设计,采用政策全面性的实施做为一个实验介入措施(intervention),以公立医院做为对照组,营利医院与非营利 …

8.介入品  一件介入品Intervention),其中一些图像、文字或物件被置于一个出乎意料的环境之中,从而引起人们去关注这一环境。艺 …


1.He said that this should include both behavioral intervention research also includes intervention, the two can be mutually reinforcing.他说,这应该既包括行为干预也包括研究干预,两者可以相互促进。

2.No federal intervention was marshaled to try to stop them, but Mr. Greenspan has no regrets.联邦政府并没有对此进行过干预,但是格林斯潘并不遗憾。

3.Even Mr Cameron, who has put himself at the head of the western intervention, seems to lack appetite for sending ground troops.就连自认此次西方干预行动领导者的卡梅伦,似乎也对派遣地面部队缺乏兴趣。

4.Occasionally someone stood and made their way out the rear of the hall to a room where they were encouraged to pray for divine intervention.不时有人起身离开,走入教堂后门外的一间屋子里,在那儿他们受到鼓励,为得到神明的护佑而祈祷。

5.But current sentiment is that this may continue for a while before it is corrected, whether by intervention or other means.市场目前的看法是,这种情况仍会持续一段时间才纠正过来。

6.So I was interested in this question of why we let certain crises go on for so long without proper intervention.所以我对这个问题很感兴趣——为什么我们让确实的危机存在那么久而不加以恰当的干预。

7.The Delegation wished to leave out scientific development and would pmit its intervention to technological infrastructure.南非代表团希望不提科学发展,而将其发言限于技术基础设施。

8.Following the treaty of Westphapa there was a focus on the question of state sovereignty, implying non-intervention, to secure peace.根据威斯特伐利亚条约,人们关注国家主权问题,即为确保和平,不能干涉国家主权。

9.And with so much emphasis on early intervention, parents often want to see their children "fixed" right away.其在早期干预中被如此强调,家长往往希望看到自己的孩子能被“修理”好。

10.Early recognition and immediate treatment with CSF drainage appeared to be the only intervention that had improved patients' survival.早期识别错误并及时实施脑脊液脑室腰椎脑脊液灌注引流术可以提高患者的生存概率。