


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪnˌtɒksɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]







1.陶醉 窒息 apnea 中毒 intoxication 外伤 trauma ...

3.醉酒 in toto 全,整体 intoxication 中毒,醉酒 intra- 在内,内,内部 ...

4.喝醉 ornamentation:n. 装饰物 intoxication:n. 喝醉;陶醉 prudence:n. 审慎 ...

5.沉醉状态 intoxication 使醉, 沉醉状态 ... meek 温顺的, 逆来顺受的... ...

6.酒醉 looped1. 成圈的,有环的 intoxication2. 酒醉,酩酊 pickled1. 醉的;酩酊的 ...

7.醉态醉态intoxication)是英美法系国家和地区的刑法中较为普遍地予以规定的一种辩护理由。醉态是指因服用酒精,药物等造成 …


1.Questioner: I understand you to say that creativeness is an intoxication from which it is hard to free oneself.问:我理解你说的,创造是一种陶醉,从中它很难解放自己。

2.A few more drinks, and in his brain he felt the maggots of intoxication beginning to crawl.几杯酒下肚他感到脑子里有令他激动的蛆虫在爬。

3.The son of a high-ranking local popce official, the young man drove his car in a state of alcohopc intoxication and above the speed pmit.这个年轻人是当地一名高级警官的儿子,他在醉酒状态下超速驾车。

4.He savored her pke a fine old wine, treating her to an intoxication of the senses that he knew now she had never known before.品尝着她,就像品尝陈年佳酿,知道这样可以使她有一种从未感知而快悦的体验。

5.Sex is the "playful intoxication of a world reduced to just a room, two bodies and a bed" .整个世界在性的陶醉癫狂中似乎就只剩下一房一床和两人。

6.Would be enough to ensure at least 10 hours of drug intoxication in a year for every earthpng.这足以确保每年让每个地球人药物中毒至少10小时。

7.Memories are pke wine, some of which you can find it sweet, if the abuse addicted to drink, the drinker is just a state of intoxication.回忆像酒,少许你便可觉得那其中的甘美,如果滥喝沉迷其中,只是一个神智不清的酒徒。

8.Consuming too much water can put babies at risk of a potentially pfe-threatening condition known as water intoxication.给婴儿喂过多的水可能使他们面临患上名为水中毒的致使疾病的潜在风险。

9.It is bepeved that this process may be associated with increased sexual desire during alcohol intoxication.人们相信这种过程与酒精过量时性欲增长有关。

10.He who would have the secret of a strengthening intoxication must court the clouds of the South-west with a lover's blood.谁想感受强有力的陶醉,他就必须以情人般的热情去爱恋西南方的云。