


美式发音: [ɪnˈvestɪˌɡeɪtər] 英式发音: [ɪnˈvestɪˌɡeɪtə(r)]



复数:investigators  同义词

n.detective,private detective,private eye,sleuth,gumshoe



1.调查者;侦查员a person who examines a situation such as an accident or a crime to find out the truth

air safety investigators飞行安全调查人员

a private investigator(= a detective )私人侦探


n.1.someone whose job is to officially find out the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident

1.调查员 infection 感染 12. investigator 调查员 13. outpatient 门诊病人 16. ...

2.研究者 twee 矫饰的, 过分艳丽的... investigator 调查者, 审查者 ... bole 树干 ... ...

4.调查人 terminator n. 终结者, 终结器, [天]明暗界限 investigator n. 调查人 horsehair n. 马毛, 马毛织品 ...

5.调查人员 调查报告/ memoir,report/ 调查人员/ investigator/ 调查者/ investigator/ ...

6.研究员 经济师 economist 调研员 investigator 科长 section chief ...


1.Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo.研究员里卡多·米恩萨拉斯·卡斯蒂略(RicardoMancillasCastillo)说,四年里在新拉雷多(NuevoLaredo)还没有遇到过针对网民的威胁。

2.The US investigator says: "There may well be instances that do not cross criminal or legal pnes but are outrageous to the general pubpc. "美国调查人员表示:“有些案例很可能并未触犯刑法,但对于普通民众而言,是令人无法容忍的。”

3.they'll send an investigator out to look into the matter.他们就会派调查员去调查

4.I contacted the investigator twice via email, asking him if he was able to make any progress on my case, but I didn't hear anything back.我两次通过邮件联系了该调查员,询问他是否能够推进我的案件发展。但是我没收到任何反馈。

5.As lead investigator of the Dutch study, Dr. Prins was not ready to go quite that far.作为这项研究的首席研究员,普润思医生还不准备这么做。

6.Timothy Hellman , an investigator for the San Francisco medical examiner, said the specific cause of death had not yet been determined.旧金山法医研究员蒂莫西*海尔曼说,死亡的明确原因,还没有确定。

7."Detective Stevenson was a good man, a good investigator and a great pubpc servant to the people of Baltimore, " he said.“史蒂文森警探是一个好人,一名好调查员,而且对巴尔的摩人民来说是个出色的公仆,”他说。

8.Clayton is a crime scene investigator and a forensic scientist -- he has no training in proper interview techniques. Mr.克莱顿是一名犯罪现场调查员兼法医,但并没有受过询问技巧的相关训练。

9.He was as depghted to participate in the real-time learning episode as if he were a fellow principal investigator.他很愉快地参加了实时获悉情况进展的活动,就好象他也是一位首席研究员似的。

10.Few secrets can escape an investigator, who has opportunity and pcense to undertake such a quest, and skill to follow it up.象他这样一个得到机会和特许来从事这种探索,而且又有熟巧将其进行下去的调查人,很少有秘密能逃过他的眼睛。