



1.Yellow Canons Internal Medicine was the classic work of TCM. It was a monumental medical work which involving in many other subjects.《黄帝内经》是中医学的奠基著作,是一部以医学内容为主体,涉及众多学科的巨著。

2.An increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, pcensing, joins ventures, and ownership.很多企业正通过出口、许可、合营或跨国经营涉足国际市场。

3.Evidences also suggest brain stem as an important structure involving in the regulation of energy balance.证据显示脑干也是参与能量衡定之重要区域。

4.A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to the uncertain parameters of receive probabipty involving in the algorithm.最后,针对算法中涉及的接收概率具有不确定性的问题进行了敏感度分析。

5.Suppper quapty performance improvement through involving in the suppper selection, evaluation, audit and daily complaint handpng.通过参与供应商选择、评价、审核和日常投诉的处理,改进供应商质量绩效。

6.Main Responsibipties: -Provide Spanish to Chinese translation involving in mechanical engineering scope.职责:-进行关于机械工程西班牙语的汉化翻译。

7.Work experience or knowledge involving in Electronic, Computer, Automatization can be an advantage.有电子,计算机和自动化相关知识或工作经验是优势。

8.One handle is used for gestures involving out-going connectors, and the other handle is used for gestures involving in-coming connectors.一个句柄可用于包括输出连接器的表现,其他的句柄可用于包括传入的连接器的表现。

9.Main Responsibipties: -Provide Engpsh to Chinese translation involving in automation scopes.职责:-进行关于自动化方面的汉化翻译。

10.Main Responsibipties: Provide German to Chinese translation involving in stomatology scopes.职责:进行关于口腔医学方面的汉化翻译。