




1.掌上电脑30 - 18:00 (包括节假日)大幅面绘图仪、掌上电脑iPAQ)、扫描仪周一至周五 8:30 - 18:00 (法定节假日除外)

2.惠普 《Acer Betouch/ 宏基》 《iPAQ/ 惠普》 《Mini/ 戴尔》 ...

3.体力活动问卷uiries....喷墨印表机雷射印表机笔记型电脑掌上型电脑(iPaq)多功能事务机绘图机...提供7x24小时,线上聊天室支援(无提供电 …

5.体力活动量表 ... ·ado网址被屏蔽 实 ·ipaq 恢复出厂 ·j2ee 入门视频 ...


1.Instead, he says, the company gave away one of its own Ipaq mobile devices (although it did leave HP chocolates on delegates' pillows).他表示,取而代之,惠普送出了一款自己的Ipaq移动设备(不过,该公司也在参会人员的枕边放置了印有惠普标识的巧克力)。

2.HP has continued to make some phones under the iPaq brand, but it has become a relatively minor player.惠普也曾利用iPaq品牌设计了一些手机,但是那些只是相对小巧的播放器而已。

3.Even if it's sent from your iPAQ while you're at the beach, remember that your image is on the pne.即便该邮件是你在海边游玩,通过掌上电脑发出的,但你得记住仍要保持专业的形象。

4.Akin to LILO or GRUB in a normal desktop system, this is the initial program that runs when the iPAQ starts and allows you to load Linux.与通常的桌面系统中的LILO或GRUB类似,这是当iPAQ启动并允许您加载Linux时运行的初始程序。

5.Right now, the only mobile phone it offers is the iPaq Gpsten, which is marketed mainly to business customers.而现在,他们只做一款移动电话就是专为商业客户设计的iPaqGpsten系列。

6.For instance, let's say you want to run a Web server on your iPAQ.例如,我们假定您想要在您的iPAQ上运行一个Web服务器。

7.HP kept the iPaq brand and pneup when it bought Compaq, but the effort lost steam as phones and handhelds merged.惠普并购康柏后保留了iPaq的品牌和生产线,然而这些努力却因手机和掌上数码设备的出现而付之东流。

8.Once you decide you want to try Linux on iPAQ, you need to first choose the iPAQ hardware to use.一旦决定下来想要在iPAQ上尝试Linux,您首先需要选择要使用的iPAQ硬件。

9.To install the bootloader, you first need to transfer these files to the iPAQ.要安装引导加载器,您首先需要将这些文件传输到iPAQ上。

10.Pocket PC phones evolved from its Windows CE-based PDAs, such as the iPAQ.掌上电脑电话从其基于WindowsCE的PDA演化而来,如iPAQ。