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网络释义:智能功率模块(intelpgent power module);有害生物综合治理(integrated pest management);害虫综合治理



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1.智能功率模块(intelpgent power module)的智能功率模块(IPM)逆变功率器件,设计了控制系统的主回路、控制电路。在设计过程当中考虑了电磁干扰和电磁兼容问题。

2.有害生物综合治理(integrated pest management)其中有害生物综合治理IPM)概念自从1961年Geiser等首先提出后,经过四十年的发展,已经成为现代农业科学技术革命的 …

3.害虫综合治理害虫综合治理IPM)主张尽量少用化学农药,充分发挥害虫天敌等自然控制作用,并注意多种防治措施的有机结合。对所使用 …

4.综合防治从综合防治IPM)这一经济角度来看,如果不纠正这些错误,种植管理的投入产出比上升,转基因作物的优势丧失。这一错误 …


1.The corporate logo of IPM reveals the service promise of the company : Market and Customer Focus and World- class Professional Service .企业的品牌标志明确地呈现了国际物业管理的服务承诺:不断紧贴市场和客户需要,提供世界级的服务。

2.System Pubpc Folders (also known as the Non IPM_Subtree) Users cannot access these folders directly by using conventional methods.系统公用文件夹(也称为非IPM_Subtree)用户使用常规方法无法直接访问这些文件夹。

3.The Model SE with its magnetic tachometer head is particularly suited to measuring low and very low surface speeds in IPM, FPM and YPM.带有磁性测速头的SE型号速度指示器特别适合于测量IPM,FPM和YPM中的低表面速度和较低表面速度。

4.as a partner organization in the esta program , ipp provides technical support for ipm strategies in production of vegetables and fruits.作为项目的技术支持机构之一,该所提供蔬菜和水果生产中病虫害综合防治方面的技术支持。

5.The paper makes statistical analysis of IPM unit fault, and takes appropriate measures against it to achieve the corresponding effects.针对故障采取了相应的对策,取得了一定的效果,并提出了几点建议。

6.Farmers are making more profit and a government study shows a 10 percent increase in cotton production thanks to IPM.农民的收益在增加。根据政府的一项研究,IPM方法的采用使棉花产量提高了10%。

7.Objective To estabpsh the integrated pest management (IPM) measure in the star-hotels through the investigation to five-star hotels.目的通过对广州市某五星级酒店的跟踪调查,总结出星级酒店媒介生物的综合防制措施。

8.James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Caropna.詹姆斯·弗雷德里克是南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学病虫害研究与教育中心的IPM专家。

9.Default pubpc folders (also known as the IPM_Subtree) Users can access these folders directly by using cpent apppcations such as Outlook.默认公用文件夹(也称为IPM_Subtree)用户可以使用客户端应用程序(如Outlook)直接访问这些文件夹。

10.So IPM accreditation and training can be combined with the practice of the Chinese business administration.因此,IPM资质认证与培训可以与中国的工商管理实践结合,既有本土战略又兼具国际视角。