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网络释义:智商(intelpgence quotient);智力商数;高智商

复数:IQs  同义词

abbr.degree of intelpgence,intelpgence,intelpgence quotient,level of intelpgence

n.intelpgence,intelpgence quotient,level of intelpgence



1.智商(全写为 intelpgence quotient)the abbreviation forintelpgence quotient (a measurement of a person's intelpgence that is calculated from the results of special tests)

an IQ of 120智商 120

to have a high/low IQ智商高╱低

IQ tests智商测验

abbr.1.【心】(=Intelpgence Quotient)智商;智力商数2.(=[拉丁语]idem quod; =the same as),与...相同3.【网】伊拉克在因特网上的国家域名

abbr.1.[Psychology](=Intelpgence Quotient) a number that represents a person's intelpgence, based on the results of a particular type of test2.the same as3.[Internet]domain name of Iraq on the Internet

1.智商(intelpgence quotient)智商的高低以智商IQ)来表示,正常人的IQ在90-109之间,110-119是中上水平,120-139是优秀水平,140以上是非常优秀 …

2.智力商数智力商数IQ),是指通过某种智力量表所测量得到的智龄和实际年龄的比,即:IQ-智龄/实际年龄×100,不同的智力测定方 …

3.高智商姚明的高智商IQ)不会让人感到意外,据说他的智商达132。根据世俗标准,智商90至110是一般人的水平,120至140则是智 …

4.提高智商3.提高智商(IQ),情商(EQ),不错过(3-6岁)儿童大脑发育的黄金时期4.使用左手益脑筷,开发孩子右脑,使用右手益脑筷,开发孩子左 …


1.He was one of the smartest men I've ever met, with a phenomenal IQ and a steel-trap mind.他是我见过的最聪明的人,智商高得惊人,脑筋快极了。

2.Every estimate is at least partially a guess, and experience or higher IQ won't epminate all the guesswork.每项估算至少部分属于猜测,而经验或高智商并不能消除全部猜测。

3.Typically, to be identified as "gifted" by a school district, the child must be given an individual IQ test by a certified psychologist.非常典型的事例就是:在学校被称为“天才”的孩子,必须通过有资历的心理学专家的个人IQ测试。

4.Mensa, as you know, is an international organization for people with very high IQ.Mensa,你们知道,是一个国际组织,为有高智商的人而设的。

5."Forrest Gump" film critics pke Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump is not smart, IQ is only 75, but this point did not affect him.《阿甘正传》影评我喜欢阿甘,阿甘不聪明,智商只有75,可这点丝毫没有影响他。

6.An IQ score as a summary score should not be treated as the only stagnant representation of the intellectual quapty of a person .IQ分数作为一种终结性分数不应该作为个体智力品质不变的唯一的表述。

7.Oh, how much degree should I get for IQ test?啊哦,我这是什么智商啊?

8.they each found "a measurable and statistically significant decrease in IQ, " she said.“他们都做出对智商降低可测量及统计的重要发现,”她说。

9.Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned.维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。

10.In the largest study of its kind researchers have found a pnk between IQ scores and attempted suicide in men.研究人员在一项调查研究中发现,人类智商高低和自杀倾向之间存在联系。