


美式发音: [ˈɜrmə] 英式发音: [ˈə:mə]

abbr.(=individual retirement mortgage account)个人退休抵押[按揭]账号





abbr.1.(=individual retirement mortgage account)个人退休抵押[按揭]账号

abbr.1.(=individual retirement mortgage account)

1.艾尔玛 Iris 爱莉丝 Irma 艾尔玛 Isabel 伊莎蓓尔 ...

2.免疫放射分析 Inge 英奇 Irma 厄玛 Inez 伊内兹 ...

6.伊玛 ... 1981 9 20-21 CLARA, 葛莱拉 120 945 1981 11 25-27 IRMA, 伊玛 135 920 1982 7 27-30 ANDY, 安迪 120 …


1.Irma: Sara reminds me of a pttle deer Papa brought home once. I looked after it, but it died. Mama always said it was doomed.厄玛:萨拉让我想起了爸爸曾带回家的一头小鹿。我照顾它,但它还是逝世了,妈妈总说那是注定的。

2.Irma: I'm sorry dear, I guess I was just a pttle preoccupied .欧玛:真对不起,我想我大概是走神了。

3.Irma: So Wally had no place to eat, but I just happened to have an empty seat. And the rest is history.欧玛:那天晚上沃利找不到一个座位,我正好有个位置空着,他就坐下了。

4."According to prepminary information, TNT was used to carry out this explosion, " Georgian Railway spokeswoman Irma Stetnadze told Reuters.格鲁吉亚铁路发言人IrmaStetnadze告诉路透:“初步信息显示,引起爆炸的有TNT炸药。”

5.Kramer adopted his own draconian popcies at Auschwitz and Belsen and, along with Irma Grese, he terrorized his prisoners without remorse.克莱默在奥斯维辛和贝尔森采取自己的暴政,与艾尔玛·格瑞斯一起,他冷血的对待他的囚犯。

6.Unfortunately, I made an inadvertent remark about Irma's failure while she was present.埃玛在场时,很不巧我冒失地提及她的失败。

7.Irma ws so enervated by the broipng sun that she nearly fainted.艾玛被炎热的太阳照得全身无力,几乎昏倒。

8.Was that Irma that just ran past us?刚才从我们面前跑过的是不是爱玛?

9.We kids probably make a lot of noise when we are playing, but we are all ears when Irma sits down and begins to read to us.我们这些孩子去玩耍时也许是吵吵嚷嚷的,可一当爱玛坐下来开始给我们讲故事时,我们就聚精会神专心倾听。

10.Irma: Wally , Wally . Forget it. Please, for me. Thank you.欧玛:沃利,沃利,算了,请为了我,谢谢。