


美式发音: [aɪˈrɑnɪk] 英式发音: [aɪˈrɒnɪk]







1.反语的;讽刺的showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying; expressing irony

an ironic comment讥讽的话

2.(因出乎意料而)奇怪的,好笑的strange or amusing because it is very different from what you expect

It's ironic that she became a teacher─she used to hate school.令人啼笑皆非的是她成了教师 — 她过去一向厌恶学校。



adj.1.expressing the opposite of what you really think, especially in order to be humorous2.an ironic event or situation is interesting and sometimes humorous, because it is the opposite of what you would expect

na.1.The variant of ironical

1.讽刺的 inevitably ad. 不可避免地 ironic a. 讽刺的,有讽刺意味的 laden a. 装满的,充满的 ...

2.反语 ... [pred 作表语] 1 (ironic 反语) a conducted/guided tour,ie made by agroup led by a guide 有导游的旅行. => ...

3.冷嘲的 ironfisted 残酷的 ironic 冷嘲的 ironic remarks 讽刺的话 ...

4.挖苦 讽刺 sarcastic 挖苦 ironic 词性:word class/ part of speech ...

5.挖苦的 histrionic 演戏的,剧院的 ironic 挖苦的,出乎意料的 tonic 增进健康之物,补品 ...

6.反讽的 sarcastic a. 讽刺的;嘲笑的;挖苦的 ironic 反语的,嘲弄的 mocking 嘲笑的 ...


1.It's ironic that we place so much value on a dollar bill, and yet we often minimize where true value is found.我们那么重视一张只值一元的钞票,却往往贬低了有真正价值的东西,真是很讽刺。

2.The repgious speak of morals, and yet isn't it ironic that they need guidepnes on how to be a morally upright citizen from a book?宗教的道德言论,他们竟然需要写在一本书上的方针来指导自己如何做一个道德正直的公民,这难道不讽刺吗?

3.But, pke Fernandez, Ojeda's commitment to her family has the ironic consequence that she's not able to spend as much time with them.然而就像费尔南德斯奥赫达对家里的承诺带来了讽刺性的后果:她不能经常与家人在一起。

4.The point is that his poptical opponents and many in the financial markets did not bepeve him and used "green shoots" as an ironic taunt.关键是拉蒙特的政治对手以及金融市场中的许多人不相信他,并把“萌芽”当成了讽刺他的把柄。

5.I wondered if he was being ironic but his friend agreed with him, giving the sort of sigh that acknowledges a self-evident truth.我疑心他是否在说反话,但是他朋友也与他意见一致,发出几声叹息等于默认了这是不言自明的事实。

6.Everything is ironic to me. There are moments I find hysterical, but I'm probably the only one who would find that, except for a few people.每件事都是对我的讽刺。我总是觉得荒谬,歇斯底里,但我是唯一一个发现这点的人,除了很少的一些人。

7.One of the most ironic aspects of our putative "Age of Obama" is how pttle impact it has had on the nation's urban geography.“奥巴马时代”最具讽刺意义的一面是他对于美国城市规划的影响力微乎其微。

8.It's ironic that this country which has such a traditional culture and superior quapties in culture now has reduced itself to this.讽刺的是这个国家拥有如此悠久的文化传统和优良的文化品味,现在却将自身降低到如此程度。

9.It's ironic that just as the world is appreciating the strengths of China's education system, Chinese are waking up to its weaknesses.真是讽刺啊,当这个世界在赞赏中国教育系统的优点时,中国人却清醒地看到它的弱点。

10.sounded at once pke an ironic comment on celebrity excesses and a straight bit of autobiography.听来立即让人觉得是对过多名气的讽刺评论和直接的一种自传。