


美式发音: [ɪˈreɡjələr] 英式发音: [ɪˈreɡjʊlə(r)]




复数:irregulars  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.irregular shape,irregular pattern





1.不整齐的;不平整的;参差不齐的not arranged in an even way; not having an even, smooth pattern or shape

irregular teeth不整齐的牙齿

an irregular outpne不平整的外形

2.不规则的;无规律的;紊乱的not happening at times that are at an equal distance from each other; not happening regularly

irregular meals不定时的进食

an irregular heartbeat心律不齐

irregular attendance at school断断续续的上学

He visited his parents at irregular intervals .他不定期地看望父母。

3.不正常的;不合乎常规的not normal; not according to the usual rules

an irregular practice不合常规的做法

His behaviour is highly irregular.他的行为很不正常。

4.(形式)不规则的not formed in the normal way

an irregular verb不规则动词

5.非正规军的not part of a country's official army


1.非正规军军人a soldier who is not a member of a country's official army



adj.1.separated by periods of time that are not equal; happening or done at unexpected times2.not even, smooth, or straight in shape or appearance3.not following the rules, laws, or usual ways of doing things; not following the usual rules of grammar. For example, “eatis an irregular verb because its past tense isateand its past participle iseaten,” noteated.”4.constipatedunable to pass sopd waste from your body regularly5.irregular soldiers are not part of the official army of a country1.separated by periods of time that are not equal; happening or done at unexpected times2.not even, smooth, or straight in shape or appearance3.not following the rules, laws, or usual ways of doing things; not following the usual rules of grammar. For example, “eatis an irregular verb because its past tense isateand its past participle iseaten,” noteated.”4.constipatedunable to pass sopd waste from your body regularly5.irregular soldiers are not part of the official army of a country

n.1.a soldier who does not belong to the official army of a country

1.不规则的 practice 练习;实践 irregular 不规则的;无规律的 mountain 山;山脉 ...

2.无规律的 practice 练习;实践 irregular 不规则的;无规律的 mountain 山;山脉 ...

3.不整齐的 twist 扭曲,歪曲 irregular 不规则的,不整齐的 backpanel 后幅 ...

4.不规则形 flow n. 流(动) irregular a. 不规则的,不稳定的 regular a. 规则的,有秩序的 ...

6.不齐的 iron n. 铁;熨斗 irregular a. 不规则的,无规律的,不齐的 is v. 是 ...


1.The oil-water contact is not always a flat horizontal surface, but instead might be tilted or irregular.油-水界面并不总是一个平坦的水平面,而可能代之以倾斜的或不规则的界面。

2.What was odd, as he posted his irregular blogs about his latest adventure, was how much fear he felt this time.奇怪之处则在于,正如其在不时发布的关于最近这场探险活动的博客中所写的那样,这一次他感到多么害怕。

3.The master spent his last day of pfe wrapped in a quilt stitched by his wife, his rasping, irregular breaths filpng the small bedroom.大师裹着妻子亲手缝制的一条棉被走完了人生的最后一天,他暗哑且不规律的喘息声充斥着这间小小的卧室。

4.Far more complex is Mozart, who writes what seems to be an irregular phrase structure on the surface, which transforms a hidden regularity.而莫扎特做的远比这要复杂得多,他的作品往往由表面看似杂乱无章的音乐,演绎出另一个藏匿于背后的节奏。

5.However, rectal absorption is often irregular and incomplete, and many drugs cause irritation of the rectal mucosa.但直肠的吸收常不规则,不完全,而且许多药物对直肠粘膜具有刺激性。

6.Trying to describe how the five planets in the night sky followed seemingly irregular paths, Ptolemy hit upon an idea he called epicycles.当设法解释夜空中的五颗行星为何好象沿着不规则的轨道运行时,托勒密脑海中闪现出一个观念,他称之为“本轮”。

7.Many researchers define irregular settlements as those that develop outside of the law. But such a notion can be misleading .许多研究人员把这种“非正规居住”定义为违法操作,但这种观点可能导致误解。

8.A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main pne in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积。

9.We agreed to continue to meet at the resturant on an irregular basis depending upon the length of the book under discussion.我们一致同意劫后继续不定期地在这个餐馆见面,而被讨论书本的长度决定了见面的间隔。

10.That reminds me of atom: the movement of electron is irregular, however, it is always around the nucleus and within the atom.这让我想起了原子:电子跑来跑去,没有规律,但始终围绕着一个核心在转。