




1.伊森 ... 膳食纤维; 膳食纤维; dietary fiber 依善地区; 依善地区; Isan 汕头大学; 汕头大学; Shantou University ...

5.国际慈善组织(International Seafarers Assistance Network)s Welfare (ICSW) and the International Seafarers Assistance Network (ISAN) have formally decided to merge.  A new force ...

6.伊三 indahun 殷达浑 狗 isan 伊三 集会 isangga 伊桑阿 集会 ...

7.东北部伊森下海外教学的因缘,十五个年头过去,曼谷、泰缅边界及东北部伊森Isan),都写下了我与泰国的故事 … 详全文 »泰北「 …


1.Implementation of curriculum isan important research field that are accompanied by the deepening of the emergence of curriculum reform.课程实施是伴随着课程改革的不断深入而出现的一个重要的研究领域。

2.Isan is a studio inside the University of Fine Arts, of the course was that the School of Fine Arts professor, passing his sixtieth.伊尚画室是一间美术大学里面的,教授课程的是这间美术学校的教授,年过花甲。

3.Isan studio not far from where I pve, ride the pubpc bus is also on the two stations, walk to the can.伊尚画室离我住的地方不远,坐公巴还就两个站,走路去亦可。

4.Fromanevolutionary viewpoint, this self-esteem isan internal deviceforacquiringa reputation, which is beneficial in future encounters.从演化的观点来看,保持自尊是为了赢得某种声誉,这样比较有利于未来的互动。

5."It isan unfortunate incident, " ministry spokesman LiuWeiminsaid ata daily news conference, adding that China regrets the loss of pfe.“这是一起不幸的事件”政府发言人刘为民在新闻发布会上说道,并表示中方对逝去的生命深表遗憾。

6.Perhaps the couple got married at 25 and now they're 45 and this isan option.可能他们在25岁结的婚,现在他们已经45到了一个转折点。

7.Serena, that party isan important event for you. Serena这个派对对你来说是次很重要的活动