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网络释义:国际滑冰联盟(International Skating Union);国际滑冰总会;爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)



1.国际滑冰联盟(International Skating Union)Yale公共卫生成功申请tips 公共卫生PhD申请小结 匹兹堡录取 公共卫生(MPH)申 …

4.国际滑冰联合会  第54届国际滑冰联合会(ISU)例会于6月15日在吉隆坡(马来西亚)闭幕。来自76个ISU下属联合会的200多名代表出席会议。

5.国际滑联据国际滑联(ISU)的分数统计显示,日本选手村上佳菜子在技术分上以36.79分暂时领先韩国名将金妍儿。(实习编译:杨杰 审稿…

6.义守大学(I-Shou University)建立 yum_cent60.sh 档案,此处是去抓义守大学 (ISU) 的 Yum Server 内容:(你可以改成其他大学,路径要再确认一下) 代码: …


1.The Manx government also persuaded the International Space University (ISU) to set up a research centre at the island's business school.马恩岛政府还设法说服了国际空间大学(ISU)在岛上的商学院里建设一个研究中心。

2.ISU's rover was unique in that it had tank-pke treads instead of wheels.爱荷华州立大学代表队的漫游者采用坦克履带式设计,而非轮胎,造型独特。

3.Recall that in June this year, ISU has decided to suspend the Olympic champion Turin-2006 from international competitions.回顾今年六月,ISU决定对2006年奥林匹克冠军发出禁赛的决定。

4.Speed skating is an old sport, the International Skating Union (ISU) was organized in 1896.速滑是一项古老运动,国际滑冰联盟成立于1896。

5.Today, I saw a few pictures of "three inch lotus feet" on the Internet. "Three inch lotus feet" isu. . .今天我在网上看见几张关于“三寸金莲”的图片。“三寸金莲”是形容以前女人的小脚,在古代人们认为小脚的女…

6.The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating judging and competitions.国际滑冰联盟负责国际性花样滑冰赛事的举办和评判工作。

7.Skaters must represent countries that are members of the ISU, International Skating Union.滑冰者必须代表各个国家也是国际溜冰俱乐部成员。

8.Team member Keegan Gartner from Iowa State University (ISU) checks the rover's wiring before starting the Equipment Servicing Task.来自爱荷华州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)的参赛选手基根·加特纳(KeeganGartner)正在设备维修任务开始前检查其漫游者的线路。

9.The Implementation Support Unit (ISU) is functioning smoothly and has gained broad support from States Parties.公约履约支持机构运行平稳,得到缔约国的普遍支持和信任。

10.Tell us, ISU forbid you to perform in show in Prague and you have to come on ice and apologize.请告诉我们,ISU不许你在布拉格参加演出,你不得不到冰场上向观众道歉。