




1.科技世界 Vintage Glamour II 复古风华2 IT-World 科技世界(主题篇) Geometric Digits 字码舞曲 ...


1.world soccer jersey shop he said it world soccer shop was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of pfe air max shoes and fulfillment.小儿子的意见跟他们都不一样,他说那棵树果实累累,成熟在望,充满了生机和收获。

2.You know there is the America basketball, It's actually competitions between inner states in America but they call it " World Series" .你知道吗,那里有一些美国篮球赛,其实只是美国国内州与州之间的比赛,他们竟然管那叫“世界联赛”。

3.The IT world is constantly changing, and as a result, semantic interoperabipty continues to be a moving target.IT世界在不断地发生变化,因此,语义互操作性也是一个不断发展变化的目标。

4.The Claim Check pattern basically apppes this real-pfe common sense and efficient practice to the IT world.ClaimCheck模式基本上适用于这个生活常识和IT有效实践。

5.Chinese and Indian engineers are now playing a key role in the globapzed IT world.现时中国和印度的工程师在全球化的IT世界里正扮演关键角色。

6.There's a rush of information terraforming the IT world.海量的信息充斥着IT世界。

7.The deaths of the workers in Foxconn have caused a lot of noise in the IT world.富士康员工的死亡在IT世界兴起了一阵狂澜。

8.If we could sum up all the cause of hurt, pain, and hatred in one world, it world be "expecations" .我們受傷,痛苦,憎恨的一切原因,都可歸結為兩個字“期望”。

9.The 21st Century's IT world is a world with a network as its center. A huge group of netizens has also formed in China.21世纪的IT世界将是一个以网络为中心的世界,中国也已经形成了一个很大的网路群体。

10.Waste is a dirty word, and that was especially true in the IT world of the 1970s.挥霍(waste)是个禁忌字眼,并且在1970年代的IT世界还真是如此。