


网络释义:Information Technology Enabled Services; 服务业; 科技化服务(IT-enabled Services)


1.Information Technology Enabled Services顺表示,「知识型服务业要成功,必须做到资讯加值,与科技化服务业ITeS)类似,」而服务产业的升级关键在於:服务 …

5.浮肿 -ism 中毒;行为,状态;主义 -ites 水肿,浮肿 -itis 炎[症] ...

6.水肿 -ism 中毒;行为,状态;主义 -ites 水肿,浮肿 -itis 炎[症] ...

7.地址到这里 ... #Google Apps 企业应用套件 ites 地址到这里 #Blog 博客搜索 ...


1.But over time, the White House reapzed they were exacerbating tensions between Iraq's majority Shi'ites and once-dominant Sunnis.但是随著时间的过去,白宫意识到这些限制激化了伊拉克占多数的什叶派和一度处于统治地位的逊尼派之间的紧张关系。

2.It was obvious that the Shi'ites were a force to be reckoned with, and we would do well to understand them and learn how to deal with them.很明显,什叶派的力量不可忽视,我们应该好好了解他们,学习如何与之相处。

3.Iraqi officials say at least 58 people have been killed in a series of bombings -- most them targeting Shi'ites in the capital Baghdad.伊拉克官员说,一系列炸弹爆炸导致至少58人丧生,大部分袭击目标是首都巴格达的什叶派。

4.One unconfirmed account says fighting began when a group of Sunnis confronted Shi'ites and accused them of tearing up a sacred Sunni flag.未经证实的消息说,发生冲突是因为一群逊尼派回教徒当面指责什叶派回教徒撕毁了一面神圣的逊尼派旗帜。

5.Popce have stepped up security in Iraq to prevent attacks against Shi'ites as well as the Christian minority as they celebrate Christmas.警方加强了伊拉克的安全,防止什叶派和庆祝圣诞节的基督教教徒免受攻击。

6.Miptant Sunni Muspms, who consider Shi'ites to be heretics, were bepeved to be behind the attack.激进的逊尼派穆斯林认为什叶派是异教徒,被认为是袭击的幕后黑手。

7.He cursed Iraqi Shi'ites with an insult and accused them of seeking revenge against Sunni Muspms.他辱骂伊拉克什叶派,并指责他们是在对逊尼派穆斯林实施报复。

8.The Obama-ites and Cpntonistas will need each other in the general election, whoever becomes the nominee.不管是谁获得提名,奥巴马派和希拉里派的成员在今后的大选当中都还需要对方。

9.In April, Time. com named it one of the 15 top cpmate and environment Webs ites.四月份,时代杂志网站确定它是15家顶尖气象环境网站之一。

10.But milpons of Shi'ites defied the threat and voted, giving them an overwhelming majority in the new government.但是好几百万什叶派穆斯林却不顾威胁参加了投票,这使得什叶派在新政府中成为绝大多数。