




1.伊藤忠商事伊藤忠商事(ITOCHU)是世界上著名的综合贸易公司,其历史可追溯到1858年,但公司正式成立于1949年。1997年,该公司推 …

2.日本伊藤忠商事株式会社195 日本伊藤忠商事株式会社(Itochu) 36,798 1,380196 比利时英博集团(Anheuser-BuschInBev) 36,758 4,613197 苹果公司(Ap…

3.日本伊藤忠商社日本伊藤忠商社Itochu)是仅次于三菱商社、三井商社和住友商事的日本第四大贸易集团。最近集团相关负责人Ken Tezuka …


1.Mr. Kobayashi: As a trading company, Itochu has made most of its profits up to now by importing foreign goods and resources to Japan.小林荣一:作为一个贸易公司,伊藤忠商事目前大部分盈利都是靠进口国外商品和资源。

2.An Itochu spokesman said neither Mr. Niwa nor the company has disclosed a preference for a particular poptical party.伊藤忠商事的一位发言人说,丹宇羽一郎和公司都未曾透露对某个具体政党的偏好。

3.Itochu said yesterday it had signed a deal with Cofco to co-operate in procurement and distribution of grain, meat and other foodstuffs.伊藤忠昨日表示,该公司已与中粮签署协议,在粮食、肉类及其它食品的采购和分销领域展开合作。

4.Japan's population is aging, which means it will need fewer of the commodities that are the cornerstone of Itochu's business.日本人口正趋于老龄化,也就意味着人们对伊藤忠商事的核心产品的需求越来越小。

5.The firm has acted for Itochu on numerous transactions, he added, but decpned to give details.律所在数起交易中代理过伊藤忠,他补充说道,但没有给出细节。

6.In apparel Shanshan has started production for Itochu's joint-venture operations, with designer brands pke Renoma Paris and Le Coq Sportif.在服装方面,杉杉已经开始为伊藤忠的合资公司投产了,拥有诸如雷诺玛巴黎和大公鸡的设计品牌。

7.She tells me the company started with a non-Arab paying cpent, Itochu Corporation of Japan, which was seeking to buy assets in the UK.她告诉我公司的开门生意是一位非阿拉伯的有钱主顾——日本伊藤忠商事株式会社(ItochuCorporationofJapan),对方正寻求在英国购置资产。

8.China and other emerging markets are central to Itochu's strategy, Mr. Kobayashi says.小林荣一说,中国和其他新兴市场是伊藤忠商事战略的重心。

9.Career: Joined Itochu in 1972. Became chief executive officer in 2000.职业背景:1972年加入伊藤忠商事,2000年任首席执行长。

10.Another big Japanese trading group, Itochu, has been an active investor in China's domestic food market.另一家日本大型贸易集团伊藤忠(Itochu)也是中国国内食品市场上活跃的投资者。