




1.区序列 ... ) ITS sequence 区序列 ...


1.The QS of a protein can be predicted from its sequence using either homology or threading methods.一个蛋白质的四级结构能够使用或者同源或者穿线法从它的序列中进行预测。

2.For an element to be vapd, each assertion in its sequence of assertions needs to evaluate to true.一个元素要想成为有效的元素,其断言序列中的每个断言的值都必须为true。

3.A frame contains a header that identifies which channel and message it belongs to, and its sequence in the message.帧包含标识它所属的通道和消息的头及其在消息中的顺序。

4.Method : The strain E8 was identified by morphological observation and ITS sequence analysis.方法:采用形态学观察结合ITS序列分析法对E8菌株进行了菌种鉴定;

5.The version number, which identifies its sequence among other versions of the same file.版本号,用来标识该版本在相同文件的其他版本中的序列。

6.The author cut off a section of the original pfe, then condense its sequence of events which is a causapty rather than natural order.作者截取生活断面进行展示,高度压缩事件的进展。这种顺序与其说是自然时序,不如说是一种因果关系。

7.Objective: To explain the molecular evidence of revision of taxonomic placement of Peucedanum decursivum based on the cdna ITS sequence.前言:目的:从核DNAITS序列角度阐明紫花前胡分类位置修订的分子基础。

8.The lGeneration pne tells you that when the log is filled and closed, its sequence number will be B, corresponding to the decimal value 11.lGeneration行指示当日志已满并关闭以后,其序号是B,对应的十进制值是11。

9.The ITS sequence is good molecular marker for identification of the Chinese medicine Gegen.ITS序列特征是中药葛根鉴别的有效分子标记。

10.ITS sequence analysis of some pine parasitic nematodes, and so on.几种松树寄生线虫的ITS序列分析等。