

Ivory Coast

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1.科特迪瓦 /Kenya/ 肯尼亚 /Ivory-Coast/ 科特迪瓦 /Cameroon/ 喀麦隆 ...

2.沙滩 KOAN 驰骋 IVORY-COAST 沙滩 HAIKU 诗韵 ...


1.He said that the money was meant for estabpshing a branch of his business in Abidjan - Ivory Coast.他说这些钱是他在科特迪瓦的阿比让的一项工程的预留款。

2.The company's internal emails show the true nature of the toxic waste dumped around Abidjan, the capital of Ivory Coast.该公司的内部邮件显示了倾倒在科特迪瓦首都阿比让周边的有毒废料的真实性质。

3.It was seen as an attempt to boost the nation's attacking options as they prepare to face Brazil, Ivory Coast and Portugal in Group G.朝鲜队这样做的是为了加强锋线实力,他们同巴西队、科特迪瓦队以及葡萄牙队被分在G组。

4.In a statement, Cargill said it had "temporarily suspended" cocoa bean purchases in Ivory Coast.总部位于美国明尼阿波利斯的嘉吉在一份声明中表示,自己已“暂停”在科特迪瓦采购可可豆。

5.Didier Drogba was part of a high scoring Ivory Coast victory but did not find the net.德罗巴为科特迪瓦的高分胜利做出贡献,但他没有进球。

6.The U. N. human rights office said Tuesday that at least 536 people were killed in recent fighting in western Ivory Coast.联合国人权理事会星期二说,至少有536人最近在科特迪瓦西部的战斗中丧生。

7.And for North Korea, a draw in Group G with Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast makes progressing into the next round look all-but-impossible.分在G组的北朝鲜而言,与巴西、葡萄牙和科特迪瓦同组意味着晋级简直是不的事情。

8.Fire fighters have put out a fire at the treasury in Abidjan, the main city in Ivory Coast, which destroyed many financial records.在科特迪瓦经济首都阿比让市,滚滚浓烟从金融大楼升起,消防人员已经将大火扑灭。许多财务记录被大火烧毁。

9.It was his second goal at this level, his first coming a year ago against Ivory Coast.这是他在此级别的比赛中的第二个进球,他的第一个进球来自于一年前对科特迪瓦的比赛中。

10."Even in defeat we saw just how good the young Arsenal players are, " said the Ivory Coast centre-half.“尽管输了,但我们依然看见这些年轻阿森纳球员有多么优秀,”这位科特迪瓦中后卫说。