




1.易威奇 宇源 Natural source 怡万家 iwaki 顺达 SND ...

3.日本易威奇日本易威奇(Iwaki)计量泵、磁力泵:领先的泵技术专家 日本IWAKI易威奇磁力泵计量泵是日本具有悠久历史的化工泵专业制造 …

4.磐城在福岛县内磐城(iwaki)市的县立水族馆“Aquamarine FUKUSHIMA(正式名称:福岛海洋科学馆)”也是受到海啸破坏的设施之一。 …

5.磐城市在东北部沿海的磐城市(Iwaki),据一位当地公关官员说,几乎所有的便利店都关门了,而仅有的几家仍然营业的超市也没有新 …


7.日本的易威奇同日本的易威奇(iwaki)相媲美. 专为中国家庭带来媲美矿泉水质 力或航速上无法与核潜艇媲美 可与原装进口高档产品相媲美 同 …


1.(Nissan's plant in Iwaki was an exception. ) But it ravaged the supppers of critical parts and raw materials in north-eastern Japan.这场灾难几乎没有摧垮了大型日本汽车制造商的工厂(尼桑在磐城的工厂是个例外),但汽车关键零件和日本东北部地原材料的供应却遭到破坏。

2.Nissan said last week that it would reopen the Iwaki plant next Monday, but initially at only half of its previous output.日产公司上周说磐城工厂将在本周一重新开工,但开始一段时间内产能只有此前的一半。

3.Kureha's Iwaki factory has been closed since the quake hit, and the company is unsure as to when it will start up again.自地震发生以来,吴羽化学工业位于磐城市的工厂一直处于关闭状态,该公司不能确定何时可以重新开工。

4.In the Japan that I know, I board the Joban Line train from Ueno station in Tokyo, and travel up the northeast coast to Iwaki City.我印象中的日本,我可以从东京的上野车站乘坐Joban线列车,然后沿着东北海岸行至磐市。

5.An employee inspected auto parts on the production pne of Iwaki Diecast Co. 's plant in Yamamoto, Miyagi prefecture, Japan.日本宫城县Yamamoto地区IwakiDiecast有限公司厂房的一条生产线上,一位雇员检查汽车配件。

6.The team Iwaki City in early July along the coast within 60 km offshore collected plankton and small benthic organisms.研究小组7月上旬在磐城市沿岸60公里范围内的近海采集了浮游生物和小型底栖生物。

7.'We're talking about radioactive substances after all, ' says Iwaki pubpc-relations officer Takahiro Kuboki.“我们说的是放射性物质,”磐城市的公共关系官员久保木(TakahiroKuboki)说。

8.Small fires broke out at its Tochigi and Iwaki plants but have been extinguished, it said.它说,位于口木和岩木的两座工厂出现小火,但已被扑灭。

9.A section of one train was found on its side just north of Iwaki City, the cars abandoned.就在磐城边北部边界线附近,人们发现了一辆火车的其中一节车厢,还有多辆废弃的汽车。

10.A mudspde in Iwaki in Fukushima prefecture buried three homes with some people inside.福岛县磐城市发生泥石流,掩埋了三座房屋及屋内人员。