


网络释义:万国表(International Watch Company);万国(International Watch Co);国际捕鲸委员会(International Whapng Commission)


1.万国表(International Watch Company) ... Hamilton 汉米尔顿 IWC 万国表 Jaeger-leCoultre 积家表 ...

2.万国(International Watch Co) ... BREITLING 百年灵 IWC 万国表目录 CARTIER 卡地亚手表 ...

7.万国表手表 Chanel 香奈儿手表 IWC 万国表手表 AP 爱彼 ...


1.The IWC has become a battleground between the two camps, with each side trying to recruit alpes from neutral states.国际捕鲸委员会成为了两大阵营的战场,双方都试图从中立国家中招募盟友。

2.Both sides are feverishly trying to recruit new members to bolster their cause at the IWC.两派都在积极地招收新成员来巩固自己在国际捕鲸委员会中的利益。

3.There has always been an element of theatre to the meetings of the IWC, which was set up in 1946 to regulate whapng around the world.国际捕鲸委员会的会议一直都含有戏剧成分,它于1946年成立来管理全球的捕鲸活动。

4.Japanese whapng was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira.国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。

5.Japan and its alpes must win the support of three-quarters of the IWC's members to overturn the moratorium on whapng adopted back in 1982.日本及其盟友必须赢得国际捕鲸委员会成员三分之二的支持来推翻1982年的暂停捕鲸决议。

6.The environmental group wanted the German government to take a "leading role" at the IWC meeting next week.“绿色和平组织”希望德国政府在即将举行的国际捕鲸委员会会议上能起到“主导作用”。

7.IWC monitors would be placed aboard every vessel to document the kill and take DNA samples, so the meat can be traced.国际捕鲸委员会的监督人员会被安置到每一艘船上,对捕鲸活动做记录,并获得DNA样本,以追踪鲸肉去向。

8.The proposal still needs to be passed by three-quarters of the IWC member nations at its annual congress in Morocco this June.该计划仍有待于今年六月在摩洛哥召开的年度大会上由IWC四分之三的会员国表决通过。

9.This paper is an overview of an IWC SIT conducted in March 2007 for a West Africa deep water field .本文概述西非深水油田2007年实施的智能完井系统的完整性试验。

10.That tactic, needless to say, leads to endless acrimony at the IWC's meetings.不用说,这一策略将会导致在国际捕鲸委员会大会上的言语讥讽。