




1.艾扬格.518864网址被屏蔽) 艾因嘉瑜伽矫正骨骼和肌肉 艾因嘉瑜伽(IYENGAR) 适合人群:性格活跃、希望增加身体柔韧性的人们(特别身体 …

5.辅助瑜伽 脊柱保健 Spinal Yoga 辅助瑜伽 Iyengar 热 瑜 伽 Hot Yoga ...

6.艾英格,有时候也称为强力瑜珈(poweryoga)) ●艾因嘉瑜珈Iyengar) 正位、技巧、了解身体 ●哈达瑜珈(Hatha) 缓和、伸 …


1.As the NEA's research director, Sunil Iyengar, points out, almost every demographic and ethnic group seems to be reading more.正如国家人文基金会研究主任SunilIyengar指出的那样,似乎每个地区和民族的阅读人群都读了更多的书。

2.Partha Iyengar, India research director at Gartner, said the two economic giants are missing the forest for the trees.IT研究与顾问咨询公司Gartner印度研究主管艾杨格(ParthaIyengar)说,中印这两个经济大国的作法是只见树木,不见森林。

3.Indeed Mr Iyengar has used asanas as a way of illustrating the complexities of these discippnes.实际上艾杨格先生已经用体式说明这些纪律修养的复杂性。

4.Start the practice with your torso rounded forward, perform Uddiyana Bandha, and then stand upright, with your hands on your hips (Iyengar).先将身体向前卷曲调练习收腹收束法,然后双手放在臀部直立起来。

5.The intensity and depth to which Iyengar yoga is practiced on the physical level does affect and change the mind and spirit.艾杨格瑜伽练习的强度和深度,在身体层面也会影响和改变思想和精神。

6.Mr Iyengar has also developed the use of props to help the body into the correct positions required.艾杨格先生也开发了使用辅助工具帮助身体做所想要的正确姿势。

7.One direction given in Iyengar parlance to help estabpsh the proper movement in the chest is to "Circularize the armpit chest. "按照艾扬格的语言指导去帮助建立适合的胸腔的状态是“腋窝胸腔环路”。

8.It was no easy task to overhaul the family-owned company that was founded in 1911 by Mr Srinivasan's grandfather, TV Sundaram Iyengar.要全面改革这个家族企业并非易事。该集团由斯里尼瓦桑的祖父TV-孙达拉姆-伊延格(TVSundaramIyengar)于1911年创建。

9.About this talk Sheena Iyengar studies how we make choices--and how we feel about the choices we make.雪娜·易嘉致力于研究人类如何做出选择-以及后续感受。

10.One may, from the above, gain the impression that Iyengar yoga is therefore just gymnastics and deep breathing or only Asana and Pranayama.如上所述,你可能会得到这样的印象,艾杨格瑜伽仅仅是体操和深呼吸或只是体式和呼吸控制法。