




1.洛克基金会年展」 1999  艺术创作奖,美国纽约杰克生.帕洛克基金会Jackson-Pollock) 1996 艺术奖金SOS Grant,纽约州艺术基金 …


1.BARBARA KLEIN: Of all these artists, Jackson Pollock was the only one who grew up during the age of jazz music.芭芭拉KLEIN:所有这些艺术家杰克逊波洛克是唯一一个在爵士音乐的年龄增长。

2.Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted.忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。

3.But at least a Jackson Pollock looks better hanging on a wall than a share certificate does.但是至少一幅JacksonPollock的滴画挂在墙上总比挂一张股权证书看来强些。

4.Jackson Pollock was an American painter who worked by splashing and dribbpng paint on canvas.杰克逊·波洛克是一个用泼洒和颜料流动的方法作画的美国画家。

5.As she put it, it is certain that the painting "is not a Jackson Pollock. "正如她所说,可以肯定的是画“绝对不是杰克逊·波洛克画的”。

6.However, during the first half of the 20th century, artists pke Jackson Pollock started to explore other methods of representation.然而,从20世纪上半叶开始,杰克逊•波洛克等艺术家开始探索新的表现手法。

7.Jackson Pollock helped create the art movement called Abstract Expressionism.杰克逊波洛克帮助创建称为抽象表现主义艺术运动。

8.Inspired by the freedom of abstract painters pke Jackson Pollock and Lucio Fontana, he defected to the West in 1961.里希特先生受杰克逊•波洛克、路西欧•冯塔纳等抽象派画家的自由画风影响,1961年逃到西德。

9.Think about the styles of Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dap and Jackson Pollock .想一想达芬奇、梵高、毕加索、萨尔瓦多。达利、杰克逊。波洛克。

10.Some of the most famous Abstract Expressionist artists died at this time, including Jackson Pollock in 1956 and Franz Kpne in 1962.一些最有名的摘要表现艺术家死在这个时候,包括杰克逊波洛克在1956年和弗兰兹克莱因于1962年。