




1.雅各布森 西蒙-鲍尔森 Poulsen 雅克布森 Jacobsen 比兰德 Bjelland ...

3.雅可布森 ... OLSSON 奥尔松 L. JACOBSEN L·雅各布森 GRELLA 格雷拉 ...

6.雅各布布孙到俄国去拜访托尔斯泰,到巴黎谒见罗丹,经过丹麦怀念雅各布布孙(Jacobsen)和基尔克郭尔(Kierkegaard),在罗马欣赏米开 …

7.杰克逊 Hiyama 偶联反应 Jacobsen 环氧化反应 Kauffmann 烯化反应 ...


1."It was a good effort, " Jacobsen said. "But all he did was get his head and part of his shoulder through the bars. "“这种做法的确有效”,雅各布森说,“但第二个人费了半天劲也只是让头和肩膀的一部分通过了铁栅栏。”

2.And yet, as Jacobsen learned while researching her Area 51 book, Cold War spy planes (including the U-2) were developed at the base.然而正如安妮?雅各布森为撰写她的新书所作的调查所揭示的那样,冷战间谍机(包括U-2)正是在该基地研发的。

3.After Prepminary medical check ups today, David Jacob's doctor said he was irked but physically in very good condition.今天对Jacobsen做了初步体检之后,他的专职医生称尽管他有些疲惫但是身体状况非常好。

4."I researched and fact-checked everything that he told me in our interviews which took place over two years, " Jacobsen said.“我调查并核对了两年前采访中那个工程师对我说的每件事,”雅各布森说。

5.Kirsten Jacobsen has spent 14 years working with Reynolds and says that a completed system is possible within six weeks.KristenJacobsen与Reynolds一起工作了14年,他说一套完整的系统可以在6个星期内完成。

6.Most analysts do not see the Fed moving in that direction immediately, but Jacobsen said any signal will be welcome.多数分析师都认为美联储不会立即朝这一方向迈进,但Jacobsen称,希望出现某种信号。

7.In the bizarre tale recounted by Jacobsen, Mengele surgically altered a group of children to look pke space apens.在雅各布森述说的怪异故事中,门格勒利用外科手术将一些儿童的外貌改造成类似外星人的样子。

8.As well as Jacobsen, the designers Charles and Ray Eames play an important role for Boyce at this time.除雅克布森之外,设计师查尔斯和蕾·伊默斯对这一时期的博伊斯也产生了重要影响。

9.You see, we're holding meetings in Jacobsen's Hall every evening.你看,我每天晚上要在雅各布森会议室召开会议。

10.So last Christmas, Ms. Jacobsen and her husband made an attempt to shrink the pile under the tree.所以,去年圣诞节的时候,肯德拉和她的丈夫尽量地缩小了圣诞树下的礼物堆。