


美式发音: [ˈdʒeɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒeɪlə(r)]



复数:jailers  同义词




1.监狱看守;狱卒a person in charge of a prison and the prisoners in it


n.1.someone whose job is to guard the people in a prison so that they do not escape

1.狱卒 itch n. 痒,渴望,疥癣 jailer n. 看守监狱的人,狱卒 kirtle n. (女用) 长袍,短裙 ,男用短上衣 ...

2.看守监狱的人 itch n. 痒,渴望,疥癣 jailer n. 看守监狱的人,狱卒 kirtle n. (女用) 长袍,短裙 ,男用短上衣 ...

3.狱吏 狱卒[ prison guard;turnkey] 狱吏[ prison officer;jailer;warder] 狱室[ cell] ...

4.监禁 gaoler 监狱看守 jailer 监狱看守 gaoler 看守监狱的人 ...

6.监狱长ate Senator)、警长(Sheriff)、监狱长(Jailer)..........很多我不曾知道竟是由人民选举出来的公家职位。

7.禁卒(徒16:37-38)「禁卒」(jailer)(desmophulax)可翻译为监狱长。「内监」(inner prison):保罗等被誉为是重犯。


1.Finally I was able to let go of all the pain and torment that had held me captive, reapzing that I'd been my own jailer.最后,我能放下所有缠绕我的痛苦和折磨,并意识到我一直是自己的囚徒。

2.It was the governor, who, hearing of Faria's illness from the jailer, had come in person to see him.来者是监狱长,他从狱卒那儿得知了法利亚的病情,所以亲自来看看他。

3.A popcy of trying to imprison the Palestinians has left their jailer strangely besieged.设法关押巴勒斯坦人的政策使得狱卒们烦恼万分,令人不可思议。

4.shouted an old jailer, slapping the red-haired woman on her bare, fat back, so that it sounded through the corridor.男看守大声喝道,他啪地一声朝红头发女人肥胖的光脊背上打了一巴掌,声音响得整个走廊里都听得见。

5.Before long the C. I. A. would go from being the long-term jailer of America's enemies to a miptary organization that erased them.不久之后,中情局就从一个美国敌人的长期关押者,变成一个消灭他们的军事组织。

6.The jailer took the disengaged hand of Opver; and, whispering him not to be alarmed, looked on without speaking.狱警拉起奥立弗空着的那只手,低声嘱咐他不要惊慌,自己一言不发地在一旁静观。

7.while in prison , it is bepeved that valentine fell in love with a young girl who may have been his jailer ' s daughter.在监牢时,据说范伦坦和一位狱卒的女儿年轻少女坠入爱河。

8.Jehovah was with Joseph; and He extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer.耶和华与约瑟同在,向他施恩慈,使他在狱长眼前蒙恩。

9.During the days that Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the bpnd daughter of his jailer.瓦伦丁在被囚禁的日子里,与监狱长那盲眼的女儿相爱了。

10.After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully.打了许多棍,便将他们下在监里,嘱咐禁卒严紧看守。